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Day 32...Some success with Sam



A short one tonight but I'm hoping I've cracked Sam's issues a bit. He had a great day today at day care. I got him there around 8am because I had to teach this morning. I got there around 11:30am and spent lunch time with him which is apparently his "stress out" time. I ate lunch with him and his friends at the table...meatloaf, stringbeans, mashed potatoes and fruit...then sat with him as he went down for his nap. He didn't actually fall asleep but he sat on his cot nicely and quietly. I eventually left him mid-rest. I returned about 4:30 and he had a GREAT day the rest of the day so I treated him to Chocolate Chip Pancakes for dinner before we went to violin lessons!!!


I think by actually spending time with him during his stressful time and having him know its all going to be OK it helped break up his day. At lunch time he said "So do I get to stay at my school the rest of the day?" (After his crashes, he wants to stay but the center won't let him stay and then that upsets him.) So I said YES and he smiled. This evening he said his school was maybe a little OK.


One day does not mean a victory BUTTTTTTTTTT it is a good sign!!! :Clap-Hands: I'll do this for the next couple of weeks and we'll see what happens!!! :pepper:


On a good note for me...two mornings in a row with NO nausea. YIPPEE!!! And I really feel at peace for the first time in a long time...finally... The stuff I've been doing really works...


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Hey Robyn:


congratulations on Sam, hey could it be that when they serve some food he does not like and they still ask him to eat, he is throwing tantrums, I would think with 4 year old that is high probability than any other things. I m very happy for both of you.




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Robyn, I'm so glad things are starting to settle. I don't remember Sam's age but he would have to be very young - perhaps pre school to 1st grade??? Anyway, violin lessons? I don't blame him for having a problem. LOL! I think I lasted 6 weeks at the most. Of course I had a reason. My father started playing as a small child and by 9 was teaching. His violin paid for college or helped and he then had an orchestra to earn money, so even after he became a chemist and a plastics pioneer, Daddy was into music and his violin, and in later years used to enjoy meeting older musicians who played in restaurants and they would let him sit in. Having someone like that who knew every squeak around was "not so good", but hey, it's a difficult instrument to play. Does Sam take Suzuki method?


Looks like you ideas are working for both of you. Keep up with this; it does seem to be working.


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Thanks gang!


Sam is 4...last year of PRE-K. He actually LOVES the violin lessons as does my daughter. If they didn't I wouldn't make them! Yes, its Suzuki. I teach at a school -- Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville -- that has a Suzuki instruction program that is 40 years old! The founder of the program was the first American music teacher to bring the Suzuki method to the US. The students in the program travel the world touring...they are VERY talented!!! My daughter is VERY musical...its her strength so as long as she loves it I support it!!! I'm sure having a dad that loved this instrument had its benefits and disadvantages!! Do you at least enjoy listening to the violin? Personally I prefer the cello but I can't convince either child to do the Suzuki Cello lessons!!! :lol:


Sam needs some "good attention" for positive things so yesterday was a good day. We'll see how it goes today, too!!!

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I don't have anything constructive to add except to say I'm glad you had a good day and hope the good days turn into good weeks and good months with Sam.



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BTW...3 mornings in a row...NO NAUSEA!!!!!!!!!!! I never thought the day would come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing has really changed except my attitude of being able to let go more...


Thanks Jean...

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