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Ok 100 things



It seems everybody else is doing it, so I might as well do it too roflmao.gif


1. I am short.

2. I am overweight.

3. I don't know what my real hair color is.

4. I like my finger nails. They grow real nice and long.

5. I won't eat fish.

6. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip.

7. I love the O.C. tv show.

8. I have read every V.C. Andrews book.

9. I like my movies as comedies.

10. I still think Jon Bon Jovi is HOT!

11. I was a cheerleader in 4th grade.

12. I love my husband.

13. I would marry Dale Earnhardt Jr if I wasn't already married.

14. NASCAR is my life.

15. I have NASCAR belly bars.

16. Three is my number.

17. I have a three necklace.

18. I have a tattoo of a three on my ankle.

19. I have a rose tattoo on my shoulder.

20. I love tattoos and want more.

21. I want a Nissan Nismo Truck.

22. I have a Infiniti QX4 that I drive.

23. My husband drives a Nissan Titan that I think is awesome.

24. Ok, I am a redneck.

25. This is harder than I thought it would be.

26. I am the perfect son (ask my dad).

27. I was a tomboy and still am.

28. I want a ranch with lots of animals.

29. I want to have a shelter for underprivlaged animals.

30. When I get mad, watch out!

31. Nothing really bothers me.

32. I miss my job.

33. I never really had a boyfriend before.

34. I didn't go to my high school prom.

35. I graduated with honors from high school.

36. I wanted to quit college 1/2 through.

37. I went to high school and college at the same time.

38. I want to go back to school.

39. I want to a new degree.

40. I hate not working.

41. I am a bum.

42. I smoke too much.

43. I have never, ever smoked in front of my mom.

44. I drink too much sometimes.

45. I prefer diet pepsi over diet coke.

46. I prefer coke over pepsi.

47. I have a good sense of humor.

48. I am a computer geek.

49. I have to pee.

50. I am almost done.

51. I am a kid at heart.

52. I love games.

53. I want sea monkeys.

54. My favorite pet is my dog. I love him more than life sometimes.

55. I would like to have a sugar glider as a pet.

56. I don't really like material objects.

57. I could live without tv.

58. I could live without my cell phone.

59. I have two grandkids. One boy (14) and one girl (1).

60. I have two stepkids, one boy (27) and one daughter (30).

61. I get freaked in traffic.

62. I love road trips.

63. I miss my best friends girls (11, 13, 14, 16).

64. I hate cleaning house.

65. I wish I was creative.

66. I believe in Tarot cards.

67. I believe in witchcraft.

68. I prefer egyptian cotton sheets to satin sheets.

69. I am always on a diet. None of which work.

70. I love my laptop. Best thing I ever bought myself.

71. I love my mom and dad.

72. I have two brothers.

73. One is an alcoholic.

74. One I don't know. He doesn't like us.

75. I lost all my friends.

76. I am trying to find my friends that I lost.

77. I am a good person.

78. I am compansionette.

79. I use to watch General Hospital (what is going on with Sonny and Carly and Courtney and Jason?).

80. If I could do anything I wanted, I would follow the NASCAR circuit for one solid year.

81. I do too many things at one time.

82. I have a headache.

83. I have two hours before my husband gets home from work.

84. My dad drives me nuts.

85. I would sleep all day if I could.

86. I love my electric blanket when it is cold.

87. I like to sleep with my windows open.

88. My dad thinks I am perfect.

89. So does my mom.

90. Are you bored yet?

91. Only nine more to go.

92. I like to play golf even though I am not good.

93. I would like to be carefree and reckless.

94. I am shy.

95. I am quite.

96. I hate hospitals.

97. I hate meals on wheels.

98. I love jalepenos.

99. If I could, I would eat mexican food every day.

100. Man, I am boring................ roflmao.gif


Recommended Comments

Hi Cyndi,


These lists are fun! Yours completely surprised me. I pictured you very prim and proper and girlie. biggrin.gif



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So did I. You rocker you!! I had a chance to get a sugar glider last summer, but didn't do it. My Peppy would have been so jealous.

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hey cyndi!!!!


i LIKE your 100.


i think that you are funny and sweet. i sound like a high school year book!!! anyway, i think that you can FIND those "lost friends' if you try. i am SURE that they would want to see you again!!!!




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