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Loose Lips



Just to calm everyone's fears - my bro woud not have made it to the rank of Major in a peacetime war dept had he ever given og=ff any show of imprprirety. Now I think the real real question is whether everyone is uncomfortable reading it :blush: and being reminded of it closely, or are we hiding behind the "loose lips, sink ships" old motto.... :(

To allay yur fear: here is what his email process goes through:

he writes it, has a buddy spellcheck and qualchek :tongue: :cleaning: :yikes: :bop: :notworking:

His super, the Lt. Col. C/O double checks it and then send it to the :squasherss" or the line out people.......if you notice the larg amt of lines sometimes between comments - those were items taken out. So by the time it gets to us it's been, chewed, swallowed, re-gurgitated, rinsed, dried, and had artificial flavoring added to it.


I really appreciate everyone's concern - but having done two tours on the DMZ in Korea myself :rifle: :busted_cop: , as well as my hubby being in some "interesting spots, there is nothing that I wouldn't do to protect his safety. His boss and his boss's boss know that theseletters go out - we did this the first two times he went out and they had absolutely no issues with it at all (they, as in DoD) :2cents:


Most people like to hear from the front line and the "Sad Sack kinds of thing that go on" :juggle:


But I will bow to popular opinion. :dunno: :makmiday:

Please use this link here -> to vote yea or nay on keeping his writings as part of the blogand we'll go from there.



Believe me - if they really wanted him, he'd already be gone:(.....just like if they really wanted the credit card you use for intrnet purposes, they woulfalredy have it.......lots of bored progrmmers (like me) with nothing to do but play nd poke holes :throw: in other peoples things to show then where they are before something bad happens.That was my inadverdant mistake to leave his email in - good catch Asha - Thanks!


On the flip side - you are are welcome to pass on greetngs anfd notes for me to send to him - it makes things a little more normal over there. The pieces I'm copying off of are on his public blog site so Idon't believe there are any worries......... :serenade:

He loves to hear from follks , so bend his ear if you will anf I'll make suer it gets there.... :type:


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Your poll link doesn't work so I'll answer here instead. For those of us who grew up in an era of 'loose lips, sink ships' I'm glad you explained about all the 'checks' your brother's dispatches go threw before they are sent out. This blog entry should very thoroughly put any fears to rest for anyone who may have been concerned for your brother's safety.


As far as the dispatches making anyone uncomfortable or whatever, you don't really need a poll because anyone can NOT read any blog or blogger's entries they wish to avoid. Except a few staff members, no one HAS to read ALL the blogs. So please do what ever YOU want to do. The war is up front and personal for you and probably has the power to effect you moods from one day to another. It's part of your life just as speech classes are a part of my life. We all write what we know and live.




P.S. Just remember not to include your brother's contact information in the future because we have strict guidelines on this site about putting that kind of information in print. Only a few exceptions are allowed and this would not be one of them.

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Mel, I was concerned about you putting your brother's contact information and exact whereabouts on your blog, I read it while those details were still on it. But I do find the rest of the details fascinating and will continue to read them. I know you are very proud of him and so want to share some of his story with your friends here.


I am aware from my own blog that you wouldn't have to read many of them to work out where live, who I am and a lot of other details, certainly enough to find me in those internet white pages if you wanted to. I guess it is a risk I take. But I am also aware we do know most of the members but hundreds of "guests" also can read our blogs whenever they want so I don't put too much detail in.


I am praying for your brother and if I was younger and not attached would email him too!


Sue. :friends:

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I agree with Jean about guidelines of strokenetwork. If you feel your brother's e-mail does not constitute any personal stuff which might benefit enemies or affext his safety., I don't think any one of us will have any concerns. so you can go ahead and write what you please in your blog.



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Your poll link doesn't work so





If the poll link doesn't work, you can copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser and hit the enter key........

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Your site is nicely done. I don't belong to Yahoo so I still can't sign in to vote your poll. But you know how I feel anyway so it not important. Share your brother's dispatches (minus the contact info). They aren't too depressing for me---I think that was your poll question---and it's too easy in our world here in the states to forget there even is a war going on and that's not the way it should be.



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