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teal's back - 3 years poststroke



well, its been three years today, and i'm still around and living on my own, despite dr's predictions - what do they know ? for those of you who thought i disappeared, nope, i'm still here :) not been doing much, isolating a lot for some reason - still going to the pool, though, can now get in and out by myself without using their chairs - i'm determined to be as independent as possible - a friend accused me of refusing to ask for help, i told her that i don't have a problem asking for help... i just have a problem needing it, so i do what i can to not need it as much as possible - my balance is getting a lot better;but i still need the wheelchair on land, well, i'll ease back in slowly - talk to people later :)





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When you mentioned you "still need the wheelchair on land" but can get in/out of the pool without their chair made me wonder if you still use the chair indoors? I can go from room to room and up/down the stair case but need my cane out doors.


Living on your own and handling the chair, I'm still wondering if a scooter may be better, provided you are driving yourself. It's been awhile and I don't remember how far along you are. I'm about six months behind you in recovery time.

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I had been wondering about you, since last you blogged about some offender in your class and then disappeared completely from our blog world, so first and foremost welcome back , and come back more often there are lot of things happening at strokenetwork




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Welcome back Teal.... you were one of the first members I met when I joined stroke net back then I was (dawghouse) Well i have been active here and am now part of the team.


I have thought of you often and glad to hear you are as "plucky" as ever. I still quote you often to new members and have never forgotten your advice. " Don't compare what you can do to what you could do before stroke, but compare now to what you could do a few weeks after"


Well WELCOME back... hope to see you around or in chat.

Chats are most evenings from 8 to 9 EST and on Mon Wed & Friday afternoons from 2 to 3 pm EST the chat calendar is in the drop down menu, members area.


Bonnie aka dawghouse aka hostbonnie :D

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