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Insecurity is my second name



I guess I wrote too sooon about how great mu husband has been.I think he is finally loosing it.We had a little tiff lst night about how insecure I was and I said yes,I am insecureHow did this just daawn on him?My body betrayed me in this horrible way.I can't do anything with ease anymore.My knee buckles without notice.I get tired without doiing hardly anythingHow does he wxpect me to feel??


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in every marriages couple fight, make up whole nine yard, just put stroke out of the picture and think what he would have said, would matter to you before or upset you. just because of 1 tiff don't discount his good qualities


I know my hubby drives me crazy sometime, but when I think of hos other good qualities, I decide to forgive him :)




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Caregivers are not perfect. I rant and rave and stomp about like an elephant sometimes and all it means is that I am tired and frustrated and acting out my own pain. It doesn't mean I am going to quit looking after Ray or that I don't love him.


Like Asha said, all married couples have differences of opinion, tiffs etc and it has nothing to do with the stroke. But it does, in my case, have a lot do do with the limitations the stroke has imposed upon Ray. Even after seven years I miss the Ray who used to be I suppose.


Never will our lives be perfect, but so far, so good.



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Yes insecurity is there, I understand. As you learn to do things and as time goes on some security and confidence comes back.


I know I asked my husband.."Do I embarass you?" He said why? I said because I walk funny, I don't think as fast, etc.... his answer was NO I am proud of how far you have come.


We have tiffs or "words" but I no longer blame it on "stroke" just normal things that happen in a couples lives.



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Heck...I'm insecure and I haven't HAD a stroke. Yes, these things happen in EVERY relationship and it is important to talk it out and find ways to reassure each other when the baggage we have comes out to dance!! Keep talking...it is the only way it will work!!!

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