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Well - duh - no wonder I felt like crap....



I'm sick, LOL, no I mean really sick - bladder infection :( Jeez - guess sometmes you get so locked into one way of thinking that nothing else comes out to hit you right upside the head :bop: Went to emergency room because I was just feeling so bad - they started poking and prodding - prodded the lower abdomen and had me sitting bolt upright like in one of those funny movies...... pee test and 10 minutes later, shuffling out with prescription in after actually sleeping through the night last night and no night sweats.....I feel better - took my meds and ate a huge bowl of oatmeal - just took another antibiotic so will be getting sleepy here shortly but I did want to let everybody know that it's a little better - still going to see counselor on Monday though...........


Received our net book "Sister's Keeper" in the mail yesterday - may go back to bed and read for a bit........


Also - in case you didn't catch my posting about the better or for worse comic, please check it out - she's dealing eith stroke and she usuall does an excellent job with "touchy" subjects...


Thanks ladies for the love - I think sometimes I get too far into my head and need help getting out -if that makes any sense at alll.... ok - sleepy tme, I'll check back later.....


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