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how much are we expected to take?



damn... i was just in the middle of writing one of my lighthearted, funny things about stroke recovery posts and i got a message telling me that my closest friend, the only one that didnt pull back at all since the stroke, the only one i really still do things with much, the only one willing to lug the chair in her car, the only one who still treats me 100% the same as before except for the mobility issues, has lung and bone marrow cancer and less than 6 months to live - obviopusly im not up to my usual cheerful look on the bright side, everyone telling me ive got the "best attitude" self.... actually, i just feel alone and helpless and ready to give up for the first time since the stroke = sorry, i'll post the fun stuff soon as the stubborn me takes back over again


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No one expects you to hear this kind of news and just bounce right back into your usual optomistic self. This is a huge blow, I am sure.


I know people say there is a reason why things happen, that God has a plan. I personally can't say I always believe it, as sometimes things seem so senseless.


I guess all you can do is cherish the time you have left, and treat her in the way she treated you after your stroke- as the same woman and friend she has always been.


My thoughts are with you,


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Sorry to hear about your friend, the one who stuck by you through thick and thin.. It is very depressing to hear news like that ...You have to take time to be with your friend and when the time is right come back and blog along... We are here for you so feel free to come back for support...I have a good friend that is having some new health problems and just told me she was not too impressed with going throught the same processes again... so I will touch base again and try and give her some support... lots of hugs deenie

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So sorry Teal, I lost my best friend too ... we are here and certainly wish we could give real HUGS but here are some virtual ones




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This is awful news for you :( , sorry, but now it sounds like he/she will need you to be there for them. One never knows what's in their future so, please be there for your friend

June :blush:

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:hug: I'm sorry to hear this news...be there for her as she is there for you!!! You have a great love between friends which is precious!

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