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can't seem to relax



After hinking that Friday was such a day from "H"that it could only get better,I got upand enthusiasticly made some meals for the weekbut when my girlfriend cane to pick me up for shopping I coooolooked in my purse and realized all my cards wwwere missingI got so upset,I started to hyperventuilate and of course curse and get angry.I prayed the almifghty not give me more burdens!!.Anyway,My great friend just got me organized and we cancelled cars and went to the bank for new ones.I settled down and decided on a whim to look in a place I really didn't think they were but I figured I had nothing to loose.Well there they were.I goyt so angry at myself for being so stupid and giving me just cause for hating the "new me"My other friend sat me down and we talked about me not getting so worked up but I just don't know how to turn it off anymore.I used to be able to think of other things happy things but I have lost all my happiness and so everything leads back to negstivityand dark thoughtsso I can't pull myself out of being upset.I feel like I am in a pit and can't get out

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In reading some posts I'm wondering if you can't be helped by an anti-depressant or ativan to keep anxiety down. You might also want to try working with someone to help you meditate to keep your anxiety levels down. :hug: I'm sorry you are feeling this way!

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