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100 things



Might as well do my 100 things list.


1. I'm 6'4 1/2"

2. I don't know, and really don't want to know my weight

3. I have blue eyes with a yellow star burst centered on the pupils.

4. Every time I look at my eyes I'm reminded of the book Vurt

5. I'm half Irish and half Cherokee with some Apache thrown in for meaness

6. I got my sense of humor from the Cherokee side.

7. I got my physical build from my Cherokee side as well.

8. I have a bassett hound laying on my feet right now

9. My feet are starting to get too hot

10. I bought the bassett hound for Kathy 2 valentines ago

11. The bassett hound is my cat's favorite scratching post

12. I have a natural gift with computers

13. I hate computers

14. I like "girly" movies

15. I like almost any kind of movies

16. I still have scars from taking a girl to see Scream in the theaters

17. I like playing Yu-Gi-Oh

18. I like playing Dungeons and Dragons

19. My wife got me into playing Yu-Gi-Oh

20. I'm already having a hard time with this list head_hurts.gif

21. I use the complete line of Woodland products from Bath and Body Works

22. I put the toilet seat and lid down out of habit

23. I fuss at my wife when she doesn't put the toilet lid down

24. I started that habit when our water went out and I caught the dog drinking the unflushed water.

25. I don't like Summer

26. I don't like Winter

27. I like fall

28. I can tolerate spring

29. I hate spiders

30. I won't kill a spider outdoors, but if it enters the house it's in my enviroment and is open game.

31. The best way I've killed a spider is by drowning it in shampoo when it entered the shower with me

32. The carcus is still on the top ledge of the shower

33. I killed it 7 years ago at my parents house

34. I never told my mom it was there

35. Thankfully she's shorter than me

36. I'm more afraid of ticking my mom off than my dad.

37. I look just like my dad when he was my age

38. That explains the protruding belly

39. My wife calls me a half-elf because my ears have a slight point to them

40. I love homemade angle food cake

41. I hate store bought angle food cake

42. Kathy always buys me store bought angle food cake

43. My favorite Yu-Gi-Oh character is Joey

44. My favorite Yu-Gi-Oh card is my Black Skull Dragon

45. Kathy bought it for me and hates when I use it against her in a duel

46. I love Star Wars

47. I own 2 copies of the original trilogy

48. I getting ready to buy the original trilogy on DVD

49. I actually own and play the Star Wars Trivia pursuit and monopoly games

50. I'm half way there french_cig_nomo.gif

51. I have a teddy bear collection

52. I still own the teddy bear my mom bought me 3 months before I was born

53. My favorite teddy bear was a gift from my wife and is named Snuggle Bear

54. I think super models need to be rounded up and have some real food crammed down there throats

55. I hate Sponge Bob Squarepants

56. I love the Thundercats

57. I still own my old Optimus Prime toy

58. And it's in the original box

59. And it's the original, not the tacky remakes

60. My favorite musical is a tie between Gigi and My Fair Lady

61. I love to cook

62. I hate to wash dishes

63. I have actually peed on an electic fence

64. I will never do that again!!!!!!

65. I love tequilla

66. tequilla hates me

67. I always manage to pull the covers and pillow cases off during the night

68. I have yet to figure out how I do it

69. I actually own my own tux.

70. It no longer fits

71. I used to play jazz porfessionally

72. I played the trombone up till both of mine were stolen

73. I can play all the brass instruments

74. I was in marching band in highschool and college

75. I went to college on a music scholarship

76. I'm a college dropout (didn't see that one coming)

77. I don't like to drive

78. My job involves me driving an average of 200 miles a day

79. I'm a locksmith

80. I own equpment that is felony to take across state lines

81. I hate hearing "they can pick it faster on TV". They call it "Movie Magic" for a reason!!!!!!

82. I hate tomatos

83. I love brussell sprouts

84. I love cream cheese smothered in cocktail sauce

85. I still eat Cocoa Puffs

86. I'm 28 and like woman who are in their 40s

87. I don't get carded

88. I own a working Beta machine

89. I still watch movies on Beta

90. I still own an Atari 2600

91. My favorite game is Joust

92. I made extra money in college by buying Star Wars figures at yard sales for a quarter and selling them to collectors for $15.

93. I was born and raised in the Air Force

94. I would never join the military

95. I can't join the military thanks to my TMJ

96. I got TMJ in the 6th grade by crashing my bike into a girl

97. I'm trying to decide who snores loudest, by dog or cat.

98. I own a collection of unopened coke bottles (the old glass kind)

99. I like to write short stories and poems

100. I was published the first time when I was 10.

101. Wait.....I can stop now


Recommended Comments

Wow! I laughed so hard I cried! Thank you for that. I can't remember the last time I did that. Your wife is a very lucky lady!



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Hi Michael,



Welcome to the blog community. You came in with a roar! I was laughing so hard at you list that tears are rolling down my cheeks. I'm not sure which number I like best: your reason for putting down the toilet seat or you not peeing on an electric fence again. Thanks for sharing your personal trivia with us. I think we'll all know you a whole lot better now.




P.S. Your wife is a lucky woman!

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The spider saga was my favorite! Thanks for doing this, it shows the other guys that it's not just a girl thing. You did it, and stayed macho. Good job.

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Bravo! I loved the electric fence. And my hat's off to any guy who manages to remember to put BOTH the toilet seat and the lid down. Having a dog or two that find that favorite water bowl, I so know the hazards of sitting down only to find that the dog has just finished slobbering his way out of the bathroom!


Welcome to the board!



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Well I completely enjoyed reading your list and I laughed. You're a hoot, welcome to the board.


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