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Going to see my Niece!!!



YIPPEE...I don't know if I mentioned here but my sister (age 40) had her first baby about 2 weeks ago. I'm an aunt for the first time! :Clap-Hands: I'm heading up to Milwaukee to cuddle my new niece...Marina Patrice! First I have to pay the bills this morning...then drive about 5-ish hours north. No biggie...its therapeutic! I'll be back home Saturday early evening.


Kids are with dad again this weekend so I have a bit of a break. GOing out for dinner with friends Saturday night and then Sunday I'll work at home all day...grading, class prep, etc. Monday is Columbus Day but unfortunately I still have to teach although the kids have the day off...sigh...doesn't anyone think about the struggles of single working mom's??? :Tantrum: GRRRRR!


I went to work out this morning and forgot my sneakers...oh well...the intent was there. I did Pilates 3x this week so I feel good about that.


Off to pay later!!


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you worked out 3 times this week - that is great and just be positive that you are doing so much -

My mom, who is 86 had her last child at 42, was scared, but our little grace grew up to be normal and happy

Grace;s older sister, June

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Congrats to all involved.


I became an Aunt when I was 13 (my sister is 9 years older) I gave my friends lollipops with a pink ribbon instead of a cigar. LOL!That little girl child retired in January from her job which she had with Social Security since she graduated from college. She had a son 16 years ago and he is being pursued by some of the top colleges. Her sister, who also started having children late in life has a son who recently won the US Dirt Bike Enduro championship at 20 (and is a college junior) So people who have children later, take the chance of possibly having ill children but with todays testing etc. all of those worries are becoming fewer.


Hope your visit is great, Auntie!

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My sis and the baby are both beautiful and healthy...all is good!!! The baby is absolutely adorable. I'd post pictures but this is a public board and my sis is really skittish about that stuff...



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WOOHOO! Pictures please when you get back!!!!!!!

:congrats: to alll and all the best


Safe travels lady!

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