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Sad, Mad, Bad Day



Hello - I am sorry for yet another depressing post :crying: - I have taken steps to try to remedy the situatino though. I just really HATE :Tantrum: that it always takes so long to get an answer on anything.

I know that I have severe depression - I know it is taking over my life - I am having trouble taking it back. It also doesn't help that: (men, you may wish to skip this part)


My girl has started and I think I may be having sympathy pains and roller coastre emotions - is that possible? I've always heard - and experienced it when I was living in the dorm at my air bases - that a group of women living together usually get on the same schedule...... it's just really weird because I've been off the HRT for six months now - since the stroke - and was surgically put into menopause six years ago.....any thoughts on this ladies?


Ok gents - it's safe to read again. There is still just so much going on in my life - I just cannot handle it all. The close friend base is growing ever smaller as I grow ever more bored and best friend has met a new gentleman - actually I think I spoke about him in an earlier post....he's from Ireland.


He came, he visited, he stole her heart as she did his......looks like wedding bells late next year...... While I'm glad for her -she really deserves a break :cheer: , as does her mom whom I am also close to.....I am also sad because that means that everyone will be relocating to the Emerald Isle (his work is not plentiful here and he has tenure at Galway College!) So feeling ever more isolated..... :unsure:


My other friend that I believe I put an entry in on a whle ago that got mad because I was upset that she backed out on a very important doc appt for my daughter at THE last minute - causing it to have to be rescheduled for three months out! :lightsabre: Dealing with my girl's health here - that stepped over my line and I will not apologize for being upset - we are still dealing with the unknown mass on her brain and several other medical issues (getting PT and hopefully out of the back brace corset soon) - but still , as end result have not spoken to this "friend" since.


Also because of this rift - have lost another close friend as she does not want to get in the middle (can't blame her because she had nothing to do with it and she works as a child-care and house-helper for the mutual "friend" So - I don't get to talk to her either... doesn;t help that she had to move as well to another county because of her husband's job change (it's for the thr better for them and again am happy for them) Just having trouble adjusting to almost suddenly being friendless

Geez - feel like I'm in a war zone - dropping bodies left and right!!!!! :lightning:


More than a little tension with daughter also :pullhair: - the typical teen thing but am also in counseling with her because as of yet she still refuses to talk to nyone about my stroke and the changes it has caused..........causes tension at times. At least my ex-husban is stepping in and helpng with what issues he can. My girl has never liked his new wife and he knows it (as does the wife - they've been married for almost three years now - time to get over it and move on.........also being discussed in counseling....just stinks cause she and I have always been close and feel like I'm losing that......


Depression just keeps gwtting worse - think meds are NOT working.......

Left shoulder - affected side - not espondibg to therapy and cortisone shots....hurts like :furious: and interferes with the little sleep I am getting between the dripping hot flashes.....

Have fallen out of my usual routine as welll so I think that is not helping........totally unmotivated to move - and it hurts a lot to move too - never realized how much I used my shouldr.


I had been driving again but hard to close the door with that left shoulder - I should go to Ireland too I think that way I can quit straining the left shoulder(their car doors for the driver are on the right, yes?)


Trying to keep my sense of humor and searching every day for something to hold on to...........

Found a very powerful meditation today.......


"Your life will always be, to a large extent, what you make it."

"Your life is yours, you own it and what you make it , is purely up to you."

"Others may support you in your aspirations, but, in the end, it's your creation. You are your one and only boss, and with that awareness comes a special responsibility."

"Once you accept this responsibility and stop waiting around for others to make you happy, you will become unstoppable. Your life will change, all because of you."

"So, turn on the green light and GO!"

copyright -Meditations for women. All rights reserved.


I think I'm going to hold on to this one for a while - maybe make myself write this everyday for a while. I think a lot of my stuff is just fear, fear of finally having to deal with al the grief and all the loss and still come out on the other side sane and NOT in the fetal position! LOL


OK - moving on - next post I think will be all the good things in my life...... And I think I'm going to tackle the 100 things about me blog post challenge. Think I need to make myself a little busier - but is that avoidance of the issues?????? :head_hurts:


Thank you all again for your unwavering support and friendship - you are truly valued from this little computer in podunkville.

I'm ready for the next book discussion to begin!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thoughts, ideas, ponderings, all are welcome :hug:


Okay, going to bed - tomorrow is another day and it looks like I've got a lot to do!!!

The absolut BEST thing in my life is my DH! :horse: I would be lost without him - he is an endless source of cheerfulness and has a great attitude - he keeps telling me that I need to calm down and take things one step at a time....very hard for us type A's though.Every time I fall though , he helps me back up.....sometimes tooo much, but I wouldn't trade his love for anything.......he truly is the first person in my life to love me just because I'm me. He doesn't care what I do or how bad I *beep* up - he loves me anyway...I don't know what I did to deserve him.......I thank /God for him every day though.......he's a kook,, just like me....Our firsst date was a Three Stooges Film Festival! :dribble:


Oops, guess I said goodnight too soon.....

Other things bothering me.....

It is now officially six months since my stroke........I still want to wake up to be normal - is that a bad thing? I know that means I probably stilll haven't accepted it, huh? :freaked:


Our first anniversary is coming up at the end of this month - what a way to start off married life! We are trying to go somewhere just for a day or two - I'm scared we'll go away and he'll really look st me and figure out that he can do better and probably should have a wife who can keep up with him - he's still an active 47. :juggle:

Ok - enough - going to bed - am freezing right now, will be hot and soaked through shortly - ugh :Argh:



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Mel, why the sudden worrying? You have such a bright and intelligent mind and now you are looking down at the mud and not up to the stars.


I know depression can be bad and it can engulf your whole life. I have a dear friend who is bi-polar and some days I want to put her in front of a mirror and yell: "Look at you, just look at you, you beautiful woman. All that beauty and all you see are your weak points. Come on!" but I know what I see is not what she sees.


So I am saying that to you Mel. You have a fine mind, a lovley face, a sparkling wit. That man of yours sees all of that. And he loves you. Please love yourself too. Get used to the way you are now and please, please see what we see. Okay, like me with my turkey neck and my fat knees you are not a super model but they are just people too and may not be the kind you can hug and cry with and giggle with and have comfortable relationship with. So please see that too. Your friends might have been a little distant for a while but that too will pass.


I wish I could come around demanding cups of coffee and cookies and sit across the table from you in person. If I could I surely would. I'll put that on my dream itinerary; "Have coffee at Mel's".


Hugs from Sue. :friends:

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Hi Mel,


It is normal for daughters and moms to not get along - at some point the house is too small for more than one woman. My poor mom had four daughters (in five years). And every single one of us - although we may have given our mom fits when we were teenagers, we came back and had great friendships with her. The difficulties with your daughter are likely only temporary - as girls often come back to their moms. My sister has one daughter who just turned 21 and the girl calls her mom almost every day - she said as soon as her girls went to college, all of a sudden they needed their mom a lot more emotionally then they did while they lived at home.


Mel - I loved your meditation piece. I'm going to keep that one.



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:hug: Thanks ladies I think I just really needed to get it all out because it's been brewing inside for a while.

I've just been having some really bad days emotionally and I just can't seem to break out of it -I am trying though - eating better and trying to get out more.....just lonely.

Ended up writing in my journal until about 3am this morning.

The other thing I should say is that on top of the stroke I am trying to deal with the menopause thing (I never really dealt with tht at the time - no more babies :(

My therapist is also helping me with my PTSD from childhood abuse and the lingering effects of 9/11......

just sometimes is toooo much.


Love ya Sue!!!!!! :hug: :friends:

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I echo what everyone has said. Your daughter is going through her own issues as a young woman...she loves you!


Always keep the dialogue open...bringing her to therapy will definitely help and will help you too. Keep pushing to find methods that will help you deal with your depression. Therapy, drugs, non-traditional sources...whatever will work my dear!


If you are willing to share, I'd love to hear your experiences with 9/11. I outlined mine in my blog from that day. I have always found talking about it helps me to deal with my issues from that day!!!


:hug: :friends:

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Never apologize for writing what you truly feel here, no matter how down you feel. This is what blogging is all about---our ups and the downs of very day living. Sometimes just getting our negative thoughts in the open leads to solutions or forgiveness or whatever it takes to get us back on track.


I'm looking forward to your '100 Things About Me' blog. I don't think it's avoidance to want to keep yourself busy so you don't have so much time to think about your problems. That's a long standing piece of advice that people have been giving others for years to work yourself out of depression.



There is great truth in the mediation up above that you quoted. It sounds so simple but in real life it's very difficult for many people to understand that no matter what the world throws at you, you and you alone can control how you react and thus you have the power to make yourself happy again.


Forgiveness is hard whether it's a young girl forgiving her father's second wife for coming into his life or for someone to forgive a friend who let them down. But the longer people harbor resentment the more damage it does to the person who is unwilling to forgive the humanness of others who have hurt them. We forgive to help ourselves, not the person who wronged us.


Don and I were talking about this very subject yesterday---forgiveness. Just after Don's stroke a couple who worked part time for Don stepped forward and asked if they could buy most of his snowplow equipment. This was in May and they expected to get a big bonus from their full time jobs in September and would pay for it then. Since they were going to buy the bulk of Don's equipment, I gave them information on Don's old contracts with the large complexes he plowed for years so this couple could bit on it. (Information I could have sold.) September came and they had one excuse after another why we've have to wait longer for the money.


Bottom line: they got the contracts I helped them get and used that to get a loan to buy newer equipment without even letting us know that they were shopping around so we could advertise what they had promised to buy. We probably took a $15,000-$20,000 loss on the equipment because we only had less than a month to get it moved from where they were stored---not enough time to advertise a street sweeper and front end loaders or even put them in equipment auctions. The smaller trucks could be driven to a new location but it cost $500 a piece to move the bigger stuff. So every thing when at distressed, bargain prices.


It took me two years to forget them for putting us in such a terrible situation on top of what I was dealing with for Don's stroke and with our cash flow problems all summer long. It seemed like poetic justice, though, when the first snow fall of the year one of the loaders they bought broke down and they couldn't repair it and they came asking if we still had one for sale. Anyway, I forgave them in my heart because I would be so hostile and upset each time we saw them that I couldn't stand myself for days afterwards. My forgiveness was a gift I gave myself, not them. Would I ever trust them again in a business deal again? No way, I'm not stupid. But that has nothing to do with letting go of the pain of harboring a grudge.



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