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Girl Talk here



I would like to personally say thank you to Robin and Trina for responding to my very drepressed blog entry shortly after my birthday. It DID help. I had to delete it though- I just couldn't handle looking at my own irrational feelings. I wasn't able to face them.


I have always been a stiff upper lip kinda girl. I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe I developed it in elementary school when I had such a hard time fitting in. I don't often remember those early years with much happiness.


At any rate, I think I learned to just suck it up and pretend that things didnt bother me. It's a trait I inherrited from my father, I am sure. We both have a tendancy to be very stoic, and so when we fall apart...it scares everyone- including us.


The month of September was not a fun one this year. I usually really love it- the change of season, my birthday, Brandon's birthday- I even like the way the word sounds: September. It's pretty to me. But this past one stunk. Brandon was grounded the whole month. My birthday was recognized, but I was too tired to enjoy it as I had come off a hard stretch with 4 hours sleep the night before.


Then, my boss got really mad at me when I had told the truth when confronted by the BIG boss. I had not done anything with the intention of making her look bad- he had wanted an explanation, and I had "given too many details". I should have sugar coated it in order to keep them BOTH from freaking out. Lesson learned, I guess.


Unfortunately, this shredding of my rear iris came as the same time as my PMS. It sent me into a deep depression that lasted well into my cycle. Usually, once I "start", my mood swings stabilize. Not this time. I was so upset, I cried for two days. I felt so hopeless. So alone. I didn't feel like anyone was on my side besides my husband. Sometimes, all you need is a friend. it felt like I was 8 years old again without a friend in the world.


So... being that this last cycle was SO bad, I called the "female" doctor. My appointment is this Thursday. I hope they will be able to help me with this. I have determined that what I am suffering from is a severe form of PMS (PMDD, or something like that). I read all the symptoms and it felt like I could relate to everyone of them.


The typical treatment for this condition is an anti-depressant that may be only taken two weeks a month, or possibly the whole month. I have never been one to jump to prescriptions, so for me to want one THIS BADLY says ALOT. I just hope they will prescribe something for me, because I can't continue to feel like this every three or four weeks. I have been dealing with it for years now, it just so happens this last month was one of the worst. It would be so nice to not feel the RAGE, SADNESS, and have the severe heachaces anymore.


So, once again, thanks to those of you who have know about my emotional struggling this past month- and who have taken the time to show your concern. Thanks to those of you who DIDN'T know, but who would've gave me a virtual hug had I not crawled into my own depressed world. You mean alot to me.




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A few years ago I asked my doctor about medication for PMS and she prescribed prozac. I take it every day, and it is amazing. My PMS was debilitating, I would get so easily angry. The medication just takes the edge off, and it has definitely changed our lives for the better.



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I don't know why so many people resist taking an anti-depressant. They have so many kinds on the market now that are mild and not addtictive sand don't leave you feeling like you're in a drugged-out stupor. When people are under a lot of stress that can change body chemistry just like PMS does and all the medication does is help you get back the balance needed and often you only need the medications for a few months and you get straighten out again. No one can be happy and productive when they feeling so down all the time. End of my sermon.


Kristen, I'm glad you are feeling better. I don't know what PMDD is but I remember PMS all too well and it's a terrible feeling to be so out of control emotionally. Next month will be better for you. :friends:



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Thanks again, ladies. I have about a week before the symptoms start again, so I am trying to keep myself alert to that fact and not take everything that happens to heart.


I just hope I can convince the doctor that I need to start treatment NOW. Sometimes they want you to keep a diary of your cycles for 2-3 months before they start a treatment. I just don't know if I could deal with it for that much longer unaided!!!



I never thought I needed the anti-depressants because the depression always went away leaving me feel pretty normal for half of the month. When I investigated anti-depressants from a "Do I suffer from depression" standpoint, doing all their little quizes, it always asks, "Does it go away" and the answer was always "yes". So by their standards, I didn't need one. It was after I looked into the pms that I realized I could still benefit from them, that I WAS an appropriate candidate.


I just have to be persistant with the doctor Thursday without appearing like a junkie looking for meds. PLEASE please keep your fingers crossed for me!!!



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The one good thing about getting really old is you can wear white slacks anytime you care to with no consequences.


Believe me, PMS wasn't as bad as never knowing when.......

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It was an act of courage that you did something about feeling so low--good for you. It's when you're feeling down that it's hardest to act. Insist on the meds--it's your choice, not just the doctor's.



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Hormones can get very out of whack.. If the Dr. wants you to keep a journal. explain to her/him You Need help NOW. Antidepressants have come a long way. sometimes they take a few weeks to work... so this next cycle.. may still be rough. The last antidepressant (I am still on it) I did notice a difference quickly.


You may want to cut down on salt and caffeine a week before your cycle. Don't forget you have had LOT going on, especially this last yr with the move, etc...


I just typed in PMS I found a site called www.knowmycycle.com It looks pretty informative and even has a printable annual check list to take to your Dr.


Hang in there kiddo !!!!!! Bonnie

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God luck tomorrow. I will be thinking of you.







I have the misfortune of having a hormonal 16yr old as well....a volatile mix at certain time of the month <_<




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