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my 9/11 experience



OK - Robyn, you asked and I will post - this is THE first tme I've written or talked about this.....this is going to be rough.but prob what I need to do.


I was under th e Towers waiting for the train so I could actually go home and sleep that morningat my friend's house where I always stayed when I came to NY to work (she and I have bren friends since 6th grade:). I worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers at that time and had pulled an all-nighter to help an onsite team finish up an audit (a pc crashed and I revived it overnight).


I was starving while waiting for the NWK-WTC train,so I was walking around trying to figure which vendor I wanted to pick from for breakfast (nutritious, yes, I know) then, BOOM. everything shook and most people, including me fell down or grabbed onto to something........I was near the step so I started climbing up and out to I got out of the building my cell started to ring and my pager went off. cell didn't work and my pager had 911 in the message so I got to a in touch with my friends just enough time for her to scream at me to head west to the bridge and she'd be waiting for me, just get out of ther!, get out of there, get out of there, head for the holland if you can MOVE,WOMAN - NOW!!!!!.....I was very confuased and now terrified (SHE IS NOT THE EXCITABLE TYPE). Saw the shadow. heard the loudest screeching of an airliner ever and looked up just in time to see #2. Felt like I was watching a bad movie. Police men and other people started running after we got up off the ground. It looked like dirty snow.....I just started walking - hearing the crackling up above, and the mini-expolsions.......helped other people as I could - took a piece of glass out of a bike-messenger's hand..........kept getting bumped by people coming up from the stations.......running at times.....kept hearing about planes and the buildings and peopl e jumping............couldn't believe it, went totally numb. felt like a war-zone. I kew that a few of my co-workers should have also been in the station at some point along the line so I started to keep a lookout for them......A co-worker actually saw me first out from a cab so he had the driver stop and pick me up. He took us as fclose as he could get to the Holland tunnel and we walked from there - more booms and here comes the clouds. Nasty, icky, chalky. Women started screaming and everyone was running as fast as they could. True to her word, Michelle was there and got Barb and I to her house as soon as possible. She told us the other booms were the towers falling, not more planes As asoon as we got there the home was rnging - everyone knew that was where I was staying so of course they all tried to call at once. LOL


It took us four hours to get everyone notified, get Barb hooked up with another PwC employee who was renting a car to get back home to Charlotte and for me to locate the members of my team - at that time, I led a team of 17 people. I found all but one that day. Didn't find Reggie until the next day - he had also hooked up with someone else for a ride and was fine - of course with cell's being unreliable it took him a bit to get through.


I think we sat in front of the TV for three days straight. I could not believe my luck and had the worst survivor's guilt......I had greeted several co-workers who were coming in to work as I was leaving after my all-nighter. All those people gone.

I still have dreams about the glass tinkling down and sticking into people. Chunks of things falling, smashing.. I still jump at loud noises. The suffocating clouds of debris - high anxiety..............I learned on the fourth day that one of our nicest partners had been on the PA plane, and a girl whose computer I had just worked on before I hd left to come to NYC was on the second plane. That's when I fell apart - I had seen that plane go in the bldg - I had "seen" her die. She was just 24, going to her first assignment....ironically a bit of humor hit me - her name was Kelly Booms. Oh my God - I thought I was going to die........I had to get home, I borrowed Michelle's parents old car and started hitting thr highway, took two other co-workers to their homes in PA and Ohio on my way. The company paid to ship the car back........I was numb for months, he company did what they could and finally put me n medical leave but then I was laid off after their centralization of offivces to Tampa from NY.

:insane: :jester: :kicking:

Ok - going to rest now - I do feel a bit better.......I'll see when I get back up....

That was insane.......I'm going to print this odff for my therapist - I don't think I can do this again. :crying:

Here's whatthe new one i supposed to look like:New WTC hub


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Getting it out is the first step to healing from the experience! :friends: Every time I repeat my story it gets easier and easier...never EASY, but easier. I've learned to live with the pain...its just a bit dulled now. BUT YOU DID IT!!!!! CELEBRATE!!!!! The first beautiful steps to healing!!!!!!!!!! :hug:


You were WAY closer than me. To this day when I hear major booms like that I still think its 9/11 all over again for a moment...Then rationality kicks in and I realize that moment has passed and I am safe and OK.


Thanks for sharing, Mel...Love ya sweetie!!! :wub2:

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I think Robyn is right, getting these visuals and feelings out in black and white is a good step forward. 9/11 will always be a painful, sad time-frame for you but any survivor's guilt you might still be dealing with should be far over shadowed by a sense that you have a special purpose in life to fulfill. Maybe that purpose is not known to you yet, but it's there for you to discover in time. You lived through it for a reason.


I'm sorry your losses that day were so personal.


Jean :friends:

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I agree with Jean totally. my hubby's lot of previous collegues were there in WTC, and I atleast know handful of them who died that day. that's why they call life as gift, never know when its going to end, so live each day to its fullest.




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