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A Little better every day



Had a pretty good dsy today - helped raise some money for my girl svouts - froze my butt off but it was worth it - basically stood in the middle of our four way intersection up town (out of the way of cars) and held out aa bucket to ask for people's spare change - we raised $171.23 in two hours!!!!! Now I can give scholarships to six girls who want to be in the troop but can'y afford the vest uniform and the handbook.

The girls are all so excited this year - they feel very grown-up because they have made it through to cadette status (usually it goes daisy, brownie, junior, cadette[12-16], then senior[16-18]) I feel very lucky that they are all stiill interested enough to come back every year and grateful to find generosity when you lest expect it!

The girls renew my faith in humanity every time :cheer:

Ate dinner at the Legion - they have steaks every Friday and Saturday night - course I'm not much of ared meat eater anymore so I had the chicken quesadillas - all was yummy!

Came home and since my girl is at her Dad's this weekend, the DH and I got to just sit and watch a movie...then curl up and go to sleep:) I'm up this early because they switched my meds and although am sleeping/resting - am not sleeping through the night.

The Doc switched my anti-depressant to Wellbutrin - seems to be helping a lot better than the Effexor, eh? I think I am a lot calmer than I was two weeks ago, yes?


Going through my yearly "nesting " phase where I do spring-cleaning stuff but in the fall before we all get stuck inside because of the nasty weather.......makes me feel better about being closed in when things are organized and I don't feel like everything is going to come down on my head :head_hurts: yes, I do suffer from claustrophobia - have since I was a kid - used to get locked in closets so full of clothes that you couldn't breathe unless you crouched under them with the shoes, but then they were all over top off you and you just knew they were going to fall at any minute. :blush:


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Back when people used coal and wood to heat their homes---which was very dirty---the tradition of spring cleaning got started. But your logic of doing the heavy cleaning in the fall makes perfect sense now a days. I wish I had your energy, I'd do it too.


Glad the girl scouts are giving you joy. I was a scout sewing instructor once in another life time. I doubt girls even learn to do that anymore, do they, now that ready-made clothing is so available. Boy, things change over ones life time.



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I am so happy you are feeling better, helping out for a cause make you feel so good, I know it does it to me, anytime I am involved in my kido' activity. life is all worth living again.




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Glad you are having better days, you deserve a break. All our days can't be bad, just sometimes they seem to come in bunches.


Take care Mel!

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You sound SOOOOO much better! I'm really glad the meds are working for you! I'm sorry about your awful, particularly how it manifested...

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