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A Red Letter Day



What a week-end. We celebrated Bill's 57th birthday here Friday evening with about 15 friends. I'd gotten a 3' sub, made baked beans, Watergate salad, put out some chips and dip and even bought his cake. I wanted the fellowship, but not the work - getting the house ready was enough!! It was really alot of fun and Bill did enjoy it. He still hasn't quite grasped that he is 57 and asked again yesterday how old he was on his birthday. Everybody is different, but Bill's family seems to treat this as an "old" age - not just in Bill. My grandparents both passed away at 90 and in their 80s still referred to their friends as "those poor old people" - somehow excusing themselves from that "old" group. My folks, likewise, until they got very ill in their 80's had never admitted knowing "how it feels" to be old. So, I keep reminding him he isn't old! Because I'm older than he is and I sure am NOT.


Yesterday I did a first. A new shopping center has opened here and Bill sent me off shopping while he slept. He was really tired out from all the festivities of Friday night and wanted to sleep. I decided to do it. Off I went - and ladies - my trip was VERY successful. I hadn't bought anything in a store other than underwear since Bill's strokes, for me that is. I've begun to feel like I really LOOK the role of caregiver since I've made a concerted effort to help him maintain his dignity by always dressing just as he did beforehand. He is just now wearing jeans, startched of course, and of course his shirts are startched. In the meantime I'm still wearing the jeans I got off the internet 4 months ago with tops I've had several years. So, I did it!! It was fun, and he liked everything I got so I think it had to be successful. Besides, he handled his sleeping without me just fine. (I kept thinking about something Marty told me a long time ago about his hesitation about having his wife leave his sight after his stroke, but how that had changed and now he actually enjoys those times when she goes about her way. He's progressed further than Bill ever will, of course because Bill won't ever be able to be independent to Marty's degree. But Marty's words kept coming back and I remembered how thankful I am for his wisdom and sense of humor and hope!!)


Last night we went to our Saturday night AA speaker meeting where our good friend picked up a 7 year chip for sobriety. Then about 24 of us went out to dinner afterward. I always am amused when the big crowds go to restaurants with bar service and they come around offering drinks and we get cokes, tea and coffee! I can almost hear the 'oh sh**' they're here again! I know normally a crowd like that is going to bring in pretty good money to the bar - we just eat alot!!! It was a good time and it was kind of funny - they couldn't put us all together so, the "kids" (the under 40 crowd) got the table for 16 and we got the table for 8! Again, another lovely evening.


So, this morning Bill is still asleep and I'm awake and able to take some time with more of my favorite people here at the stroke network. What blessings I've enjoyed this week-end.


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I enjoyed reading your blog. It is so 'upbeat'. I agree with your assessment of age. I am 73 and even after having a pretty severe stroke in January of 2005, I do not think of myself as 'old'. Age is a state of mind. You tell Bill that he is still a kid as far as I'm concerned.



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:Clap-Hands: Of course I agree - My stroke was in 1985 at age 39 :Tantrum: , but even though its been years of HARD WORK WORK, at 61 I feel young, maybe tired sometimes, but young

June :cheer:

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Sounds like you had a great day Annie. I understand that "caregiver look." I see photos of myself and I look 10 years older than I did last year at this time. AND, because our lives changed so dramatically after the stroke - we used to hike, bike, backpack, sail... - I have gained so much weight! I can't fit into any of my clothes and I refuse to buy the next bigger size.


I hope the rest of the weekend is wonderful for you.

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HI Annie, SO HAPPY you both had such a great weekend.. I am 57 also and I refuse to be OLD.. so tell Bill he is still a young pup.


Glad you went out and had fun shopping. Do you have a cell phone? I have John on speed dial so all I have to do is push #3....




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Did you happen to hit JC Penny's Autumn blow out sale yesterday too? For what I spent and what I got including the discounts, that fuzzy feeling will last a year.

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Annie, this is a lovely blog. Every now and again it is good to get out and do just what every other woman you age is doing, hitting the shops, grabbing a coffee with girlfriends, even taking in a movie.


I feel as if Ray got old before his time and now I am too.


Must make an effort to do at least some of the things we had planned to do in our retirement years! We had a BBQ, just Trev, Ray and I for lunch today, sat outside under our new patio roofing, just relaxed. It was great. Why don't we do these things more often?



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