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...And what about forgiveness



Yeah...been thinking a lot about forgiveness. Wondering when I'm going to be able to forgive Jane for how she has treated me. Part of me wants to...part of me is still angry and bitter and very very hurt. I felt like there were all sorts of promises made, not about things or events, but about commitment and love and devotion and loyalty. I can live with changes in events...but how can you say you love and are committed to someone one day and completely ignore that and not care the next? I mean, I really know the is about her problems and then is exacerbated by the stroke...I know that...I do. But what my mind knows and my heart feels isn't always in alignment. I want them to be in alignment though. I don't want to harbor resentment and bitterness towards her but its hard right now. The wounds are still really fresh.


I know I'm getting better. I'm laughing more...there is joy in my life...I'm moving forward, meeting new people! The sadness sits in a little cocoon inside of me...every once in a while it invades my system and I find I'm deeply sad...last week a few times...last night a strong sense of loss and sadness...but eventually the cocoon hides away. Thankfully it isn't wandering as much any more. I'm acknowledging it when it happens...letting the sadness be and letting a few tiny tears fall in acknowledgement of its existence...honoring it...but otherwise I feel stronger and happier than I've felt in months.


If nothing else, I've become wiser about the things I find negotiable and non-negotiable in a relationship. Things I overlooked with her, I won't do anymore. I won't get into it here...but I know what is meaningful to me and what is not and I won't go through this experience again, nor will I put my children through this again with someone who truly doesn't want to be in it 100%. Anyone that says "I am selfish and I've been in therapy non-stop for 15 years" I am running far far away from...far far far matter how much they want to believe they are ready willing and able for a committed relationship. It just ain't gonna happen...not with me.


Anyway...I am still in the "angry" phase and am hoping to move on towards forgiveness. Once I can soften that place inside of me, I'll know I'm ready for the next phase in my healing...ready to meet someone else and begin anew. But I don't know if there is something I can actively do or if this is really about time heals and I just have to wait until the appropriate amount of time passes. That is what I'll be chewing on for the next couple of days I guess...


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Forgiveness will happen for you when you're ready. Remember forgiveness is a gift you giver YOURSELF, not Jane.




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I have hurt my hubby badly and after my stroke i am surprised he still chose to stay by me, I think I would not have forgiven him, if situation would be opposite, but anyhow what he sa, and I love him dearly for it, is forgiveness brings happiness.


we both are very spiritual and believe in life whatever happens it happens for reason, and reason is always good. he says that sometime things happen, and someone has to play that negative part, for positive to come out.




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It may be one of those things that you just don't feel happening - you don't just wake up one day and say "wow, I feel okay now. I forgive her" It is so gradual a process that you might not notice it unless someone brings it up to you.


Take care!

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Jean...I never thought of it that way. That helps. I suspect that's why I'm not ready QUITE for forgiveness yet. I'm sitting comfortably in the anger phase...licking my wounds and feeling aggrieved, know what I mean? I think I need to feel this way for awhile. But I know I'm not one to hold this sort of anger for long...I can't as I feel it is destructive so when I'm really ready...when the head and heart are in alignment, I'll forgive and move on.


Sherri, I agree, I do think it is a gradual process and you don't really notice it in increments.


Asha...I know forgiveness brings happiness which is why I know I am not ready to completely move on and begin a life anew with someone else. Until I can go to a place of forgiveness I know I won't be able to give myself to someone else in a loving manner. I agree with your hubby...and I know these things intellectually...just waiting for my heart to catch up!!!!


Thanks all!



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You'd better be glad your husband is half way across the country from me. I'd enjoy talking to him too much. He is truly an interesting man who thinks beyond football games and what's on the table for dinner.



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Yeah...he's a gem isn't he?!!! :wub2: If I liked men, you'd have to worry Asha...(just kidding!!) !! You are an incredibly lucky woman Asha...treasure that man!!!

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Robyn, &Jean:


Thanks for gr8 compliments to my hubby. Now we are tight for next 7 lifetimes, I have taken promise from him, next 7 lifetime he has to be my partner. so Robyn you will have to wait loonng before I even think of giving him up. Mom I would love to be audience when you two are having discussion, will learn a lot from you both.




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My gosh, Asha, Americans have a hard time keeping a commitment to stay together for one life time, and you've got seven of them promised! That is very charming and I'll bet it will happen for you two.



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Robyn, forgiveness is a process too. It comes from changes within yourself, a slight change of attitude, a slight lightening of your mood until one day you are ready to forgive and move on.


We used to say in Lifeline: "You have to be whole before you can become a part of someone else." You can't rush these things, you have to slowly withdraw from your old relationship before you can form a strong bond with anyone else. This applies to broken relationships as much as it does to restoring your life after the death of a partner. You and I have already met a lot of folk who can't have a good relationship because they have a suitcase full of the bones of old relationships they still carry with them.


Take it easy, enjoy your kids, try some light-hearted friendships before you try to find that one friendship that will develop into something more. There are a lot of nice warm people out there who will enjoy being friends with you and expect no more from you than you are able to give.



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What pearls of wisdom from all the replies above.


It takes a little time to get thru this, just the same as grieving for the death of a partner. You go thru hurt, anger... what if's... I know you are to intelligent to get stuck in one of these modes.. it will come, like anything with time.


Meeting new people, enjoying the day ..... you will find the cocoon... will be quite small and just a little memory some day.


There is a poem.. I dont know it all People come into our life for a reason, a season...




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Here here, gang! I couldn't agree more!


I am so unready to get involved with anyone else. I am THRILLED to be making friends with people and am really enjoying that. It is so important for me to be whole first because as long as I am still mourning an old relationship I can't give myself to a new one. It is not even a consideration right now. This only came up for me because I've met someone who seems to be strongly interested in something more and I'm SOOO not interested and had to make it very clear that would not happen. I was talking to my therapist about that and she thinks its great I am reaching out to make friends and agreed with me that anything else is WAY too premature!! LOL!!! I agree Sue...I've known too many people that dragged their old baggage with them from pillar to my ex-partner in fact!! LOL! I don't want to be one of those people. I'm so glad I'm being supported by my therapist and coach...they take good care of me!


Gracious, I haven't casually dated anyone really in about 17 years! I dated/was married to my ex-husband for 14 years and then was in a relationship with Jane for 3 years right after that. I need a little "Robyn time" right now.


I am also glad to hear y'all say that this is a process...because that is what I've been feeling as well. Each day it is easier!

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I just saw your photos in the gallery of you and your mom and kids, what nice photos. It is great to have a fun day out. Good for you too.



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Found this and thought it appropriate:



a recipe for healing after loss


Helpful Ingredients To Consider:

a pot full of tears

one heart willing to be broken

a dash of bitters

a bunch of good friends

a handful of comfort food

a lot of patience

buckets of water to replace the tears

plenty of exercise

a variety of helpful reading material

enough self care

season with memories

optional: one good therapist and/or support group




Choose the size pot that fits your loss. It's ok to change the pot size if you miscalculated. Combine ingredients. Set temperature to a moderate heat. Cooking times will vary depending on the ingredients needed. Strong flavors mellow over time. Stir often. Cook no longer than you need to.




Be creative.

Trust your instincts.

Cry when you want to, laugh when you can.

Freeze some to use as a starter next time.

Write your own soup making in a journal so you won't forget

Serving Size


Serves One


Love ya!

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