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Thoughts from Today



Thought I would start putting my feelings here because I think it will help. Here's a link to my introduction so you can get my background:



I hate being so far away from him! I'm on the east coast and he's on the west. I just get to talk to him once a day now for just a couple of minutes. I try to call about the same time each evening as it's been working out fine. I have a job that doesn't allow me to get up at the same time all the time. I was about thirty minutes late today. Well, he told me I woke him from a sound sleep. Now he did tell me he loved me. That was one of the first things he said to me. After he told me about me waking him, I said I'd let him go and told him I loved him. Then, when I hung up, cried. It's so good just to hear his voice and that he is doing so much better. We used to be so much in contact before this and this separation is so hard. I felt guilty about calling him. Tearing up again even now. I was in a fairly good mood before this and now I'm sad again. When are these up and down emotions going to stop?


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Hi OregonDream and welcome to the blogs,


Do you have a first name we can call you? We're a pretty close knit community back here and get to know each other very well.


You really shouldn't feel so guilty about waking up a stroke survivor. They sleep ALOT and your friend will continue to sleep a lot for a long, long time to come. So odds are good no matter when you call that you'd wake him up. I'm sure he doesn't mind as much as it bothers you.


The ups and downs for close friends and family of a survivor, unfortunately, also continue for a long time as well. Try really hard to take it one day at a time and not think too far in the future. Easier said than down but if you master the concept, it does help.



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Welcome to the blog pages. You got the right idea about putting your feelings and a journal started to keep track of time, thoughts and other tib bits. It's also an ideal vent, rant and just let it all out place. :Rant-On: :welcome: :type: This is your first, but before you realize it, you'll have many more blogs.

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Hi there. Glad to see you've decided to blog - it really helps. Keep in mind - the ups and downs you're experiencing, he's also experiencing - just in a different way. As you're so far apart, it makes it difficult to communicate other than at certain times. On a positive note - daylight savings time will be kicking in soon for you and that may help a bit. Hang in there girl - you're doing great and it sounds like you honey is too!

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Hi oregondream:


welcome to our blog world, as everyone said, writing does wonder for grieving. also in the begining of our strokerecovery we all go through lot of selfcentered emotions, and sometime snap, well surviving stroke is not easy, you will have to show lot of compassion, love and support to your boyfriends, now he needs you more than anything in life, yup it might feel like nurse more than lover, but its going to change, hang in there, don't look at today and project your future like that.


I had shed lot of tears thinking I will never be able to wear my regular clothes, all those worries were useless.



I bet your boyfriend is in oregon.


as jean said we r tight community here, know each other by name





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