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Buenas Dias again



I'm writing from Lima, Peru. Got tagged for a trip to bring an airplane down for a maintenence check. It's really a tough job, but sombody's got to do it. We got here and were supposed to fly out on Friday. but the plane wasn't ready and we won't leave until Wed. There's 4 of us here and we've really been struggling. Havana rum, big Cuban cigars, Argentine steaks. Life is rough. Just got back from a Swiss restaraunt. Steak, veggies, beer. Is there anything else?? It's early spring down here, so the weather is nice. The people are way beyond friendly. Anywhere we go we feel at home. Very comfortable.

Had an earthquake th other day. 5:48 am. I was already awake and dressed, and when the building started making popping noises, I was out the door before it stopped shaking. I can move pretty when I have to. Ain't no such thing as a "little one" when you're in a 20 story bldg. I was out of there pretty quick. Nobody hurt, no damage in Lima, but it got everyones attention.


Got some good stuff for Sam, my mom, sister, and niece. Great deals on alpaca wooly stuff. I have tomorrow off, so i'll probably wander off and do more shopping. Nice place. I haven't spent much time in South America before, but I'm impressed. Good people, great food, beautiful scenery. I know that one of the first things I'll do when I get home is hunt down a Peruvian cookbook. They have stuff that brings tears to my eyes. Absolutely wonderful.




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I remember the years long ago now when I used to travel from coast to coast driving with the Army pistol team, then back to Germany where I was stationed. When I got back to Germany I took my wife and kids to France, Holland and other cities all over Europe for their vacation each year.


Your trip sounds like fun, except for the quake. Bet you gained a pound or two!! Have a safe trip back!! :plane:

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Ola, sounds great, glad you got out of the building...... :out_of_here:


Sounds like fun shopping, and the steak sounds great.


Have a great time and be safe!!

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I just love to fly ( as a passenger) and now Ray can't I just listen to other peoples travel tales and hope one day it will be me!


I love your tales of far off places, it is such a chore having to stay four days in some exotic spot. Poor you. But as Bonnie says beware of the earthquakes.


Sue. :big_grin:

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