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My view of NSA Hope after Stroke symposium



If you get a chance DO GO to the National Stroke Association's Hope after Stroke Symposium! I know some people had mentioned going to one already. Grab the chance if one is being held near you and do it early because they are kept small and reservations fill up quickly. There are only 4 being held this year and while some are being added each year, the chance will not come "next month"


There wasn't anything they did not think of. They even had a "quiet room" and we were told if we felt the need that we could leave and go there ay any time - even if someone was speaking - and of course to the rest rooms as well (LOL, during breaks they were really busy- probably due to all the freah fruit that seemed to be available,)


The speakers were all excellent and very knowledgeable. but the speaker I enjoyed the most was the speaker who gave the welcome...........and told his story. Yes, the man is a survivor and I certainly related well (and Fred, if you are reading this, you would feel so proud of this individual)because like me, he suffered a cerebellar stroke. His came when he was out of town in Baltimore and he wasn't feeling well when waiting for his plane to return him to Orlando. He had called his wife and told her he wasn't feeling well and she said you're probably hungry and said to get something to eat. So he got a slice of pizza which he said didn't make him feel better. He got on the plane and when the plane was landing apparently something with the pressure (which I didn't understand) caused his stroke. He then went on to telll of the past year and his recovery which still needs a little more time. See, this man isn't just Jow citizen like you and me, he is a television personality- weather, I believe, from the CBS channel in Orlando. I didn't know him, but many there did and a camerman from the station was there taking pictures. The reaction from the local people who did know him was quite a reception. He was excellent His name is Mark McEwen. What thrilled me the most was the fact that he said what we all want: PEOPLE KNOW ALL ABOUT HEART, ALL ABOUT CANCER, BUT YOU NEVER HEAR ABOUT STROKE AND IT IS THE 3RD KILLER. He wants to be a spokesman and is headed back to the work he loves as soon as he can read the scripts that are necessary and he is getting there. He was asked if he had TPA and he said no. (He had the desire for sure) His physical therapy had gone well going from a wheelchair to walker to nothing) but his speech wasn't quite there yet (His speech went from high pitched back to normal but just needs some additional speed. He said it was the first time he had spoken before a group since his stroke and he became a bit emotional as we all can relate, he did manage to control himself quite well. When his speech was over, the people from NSA hugged him and I would have done the same given a chance.


We WILL get a real spokeperson at last, I'm quite sure.


BTW, there isan interesting debate going on on aol today concerning the ad that Michael J. Fox had done for an senator want -to -be who is using him to push her stance on stem cells and the remarks that Rush Limbaugh had made and the after effects from that - my feeling- it's fine to MJF to push for stem cells but not to involve himself in an election debate to do it. t isays that in his book, he says that there are times when he does NOT take his medications that control tremors somewhat for the effect he is trying to show. So, put together that is effective but to me a questionable thing to do. JMHO








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I live in Orlando and recognize Mark's name although I don't know if I could pick him out of a crowd...


What a fabulous event - I wonder if there will be another anytime soon as I didn't know about this one.


We do need a representative for strokers - STROKERS UNITE!! :Clap-Hands:


Thank you for the interesting blog.

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Hi Phyllis..


I saw Mark on 60 minutes a couple of weeks ago.. He'll make a great spokesperson ..He was extremely well-liked from his many years on the CBS Early Show..


How would expect to know him from the CBS news ..you have to change the channel from FOX every once in awhile. :roflmao:


I won't comment on the MO Senate race and the Limbaugh-MJF story.. it's too disgusting, as is the junkie Limbaugh, for me to think about.



have a good day!


Your fav libnut



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Yeah...the MJF commercial I've seen as its part of the Missouri/St. Louis politics here. Doesn't affect me as I live in more liberal Illinois but I see the commercials. Limbaugh...well...don't get me started. Can you say VIAGRA dude???!!! I think Limbaugh had his 15 minutes of fame...time to move on.


Mark McEwan is/was the weatherman for the CBS Early Show out of NY, nationally syndicated. I'm glad he's taking the mantle on for stroke awareness!!! Bravo!

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Hi Phyllis,


I live in the boonies so I will never get to one of these symposiums, but at least someone is trying to raise awareness of stroke survivors.


BTW, you stick with Fox and I will keep listening to Rush and we will be just fine. :lol:

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How are people going to understand Michael J. Fox's disease if someone doesn't have the courage to go before the public to show it in full force, at its worst? You admire Mark McEwen for putting a face on strokes and being a spokesperson for the stroke community but condemn Fox for doing the same for his disease? What is that difference? As for Michael "being used" by the stem cell research movement, that isn't true. He has been very pro-active in the politics of it for a long time, no one uses him. And even if he were being used, why should M.J. Fox be condemmed and yet conservatives think that it's just wonderful that Terry S.'s parents would get used/politically involved based on their stand on Pro-Life? More people should get passionate about issues that effect their lives in a personal way, instead of letting the guy down the street do it for them.



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1) Sherri,

The first one held in Orlando was last year and I knew nothing about it. They most likely will have another but not until next year. There were only about 70 people there. They had a waiting line. Some had also been there last year also. Get Stroke Smart magazine (it

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I live about 200 miles north of Denver and even if there was a stroke symposium held there, I probably wouldn't hear about it. I don't think there is an active stroke support group in our community. I have subscribed to a couple of stroke magazines where I might get more information about what is going on in our area.



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Hey Vi and Phyl,


You guys are both excused;


Mema says: Phyllis, BTW, you stick with Fox and I will keep listening to Rush and we will be just fine.



CornShuckers just can't help it.. and the Canes would look better on WWF! :roflmao: :roflmao:



Boomer Sooners!



Jean, you're Right On! :Clap-Hands:

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