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OK - This blew me away....



I found this great site - this is exactly what I needed.

Here's a sample:


By Pat Schwiebert, R.N.


What does time have to do with grief?




Just consider how, in


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Great website, Mel! I'm going to put a link to this blog entry in our classics, on the thread about that five stages of grief. People have to grieve their lost body parts and their old lives pre-stroke in the same way they grieve someone who has passed away.



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That was great! I took out death/dying and put in breakup and I could TOTALLY relate to the phases of grieving and its relationship with time! I'm going to copy that, if you don't mind, and send it to my life coach who's mother died about 3 weeks ago!

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Thanks Mel. I think this has come at an opportune time for me as I know I am grieving for Ray again as his lost mental sharpness is the cause of much stress in our lives right now. With grieving Ray's five strokes and other life events for him as well as what has happened to my Mum in her dementia I am feeling as if I am on the edge of dark chasm and that any minute we will all topple over into it.


I know most of what is happening to us is minor in the eyes of those around us and they wonder why we are so pre-occupied as survivors and as caregivers with what is really such a transient part of life.


Hugs, Sue.

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Mel, I can totally relate to this. It has taken me 7 years to deal with my Dad's death. Thanks for a great entry.

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wonderfl blog entry I can totally relate to it, i guess I was grieving for my half body.

its amazing that somebody thought of writing my precise thoughts.





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Sue I know that mental stress is a very difficult thing to deal with and I also know that the survivor's mental capabilities are not easy to understand.. You remember him as being able to talk to you and carry on a conversation and now he may not be aware of the actual meaning of what you speaking about... I commend you on all you are doing for Ray and I am sure he appreciates it too...Hang in there and enjoy you time off..hugs Deenie


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