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Farhaan - to be discharged





Farhaan will have his stomach peg removed next week and then he will be discharged from hospital. I was very scared when i was told this. I had this idea that Farhaan will only be discharged when he is almost well. I guess his healing will have to continue at home.


He will be reviewed for two weeks by this school "Open Air" to see if they will register him for next year as a student. Things just happen in a flash - leaving you feeling like things are happening beyond your control. Almost like a dream - everything seems so unfair and at the same time unreal - yeah yeah - i feel as confused as the sense of my words.


Stroke is stroke and can be healed to an extent but Brain Stem stroke - seems like a whole new disease - or is it?


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I'm glad your son will be able to go home next week. It will not be an easy task but remember that progress still takes place long after stroke - even with brainstem stroke.


Unfortunately, with brainstem stroke it seems there are so many more areas to deal with in recovery - speech, swallowing, balance, motor control, etc. It makes for a bumpier road during recovery but it still happens. Patience and persistence are the key - keep up the therapies and good luck to you all.




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I was in rehab hospital for 3 weeks and I dreaded going back home, i had same notion that I will be just like before, before I get discharged.


Going home has its upside and downsides, reality is stark naked when you come home and how will you deal with it, your normal daily living, Here in US they give lot of adaptive devices before you are released, like shower chair, commodde, but once you are home, you figure out what's work best for you. I guess since I was adult, wife,mom, I tried doing what I can do in our household chores, rest hubby picked up the slack. Farhaan is still small, so you will be helping lot more, but encourage him to do lot of his stuff, such that he can live independently.


I can't think of anything soothing to say, I am as lost as you for my words.


I will keep you in my prayers, and lot of luck to your whole family.




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Unfortunely, people usually don't stay in the hospital or rehab until they are almost well, at least not here in the states. In my husband's case---after 3 months away from home---their goal for him was to get him to transfer (with help) from bed to a wheelchair or from a wheelchair to a vehicle. For the caregiver in charge of getting a home ready for a stroke survivor it's a terrible last minute rush. But you'll get through it and the scariness that comes with having your son come home.


My husband did not have a brainstem stroke but he still had balance and swallowing issues and still deals with right-side paralzsis and speech issues 6 1/2 years out. I was told that 50% of his brain was severely damaged by the stroke. Strokes come in many different degrees no matter what type someone has.


Good luck! As questions pop up don't forget the message board is a good resource.



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Not to much more to add to what others have said. Progress and recovery will continue. Make sure you sit down with one of the doctors and a rehab person. Make a list of questions you have. What will be needed at home. Will someone come to the house for therapy or will you need to take him to a therapy place.


Is there rehab facility or a "step down' unit that Farhaan can go to for awhile?


As Asha says encourage him to do what he can and continue to challenge him for recovery.


Best wishes to you all

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I found my hubby got discouged very fast and was scared to make a mistake..You must assure him it's ok to make a mistake and he can try again when he is up to it.. He wil learn by his misakes and if he is not afraid he will keep on trying . It's a slow road but the brain has to make a new trail and it can, in time... hugs Deenie

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