Lin's Musings

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100 List



100 Things About Myself.


1. I was born in downstate Illinois.

2. I lived in the same house for the first 18 years of my life. My family still owns it.

3. I was born 7 weeks premature,

4. My parents were called to pick me up from school when I was in second grade. I had thrown a temper tantrum because it was time for math and I wanted to study English (or visa versa)

5. I grew up on a farm.

6. I was a member of 4-H for 10 years.

7. I once had a calf as a pet.

8. I have lived in the US in Quincy, Il; Okla City, Ok; Chicago, Il; Richmond, Va; and Philadelphia, Pa. Outside the US I have lived in Lagos, Nigeria; Bombay, India; and Brussels, Belgium.

9. I spent 7 years as a fundraiser for a not-for-profit.

10. I spent 10 years is Brussels, the last 5 as the manager of an IT company.

11. I am a Democrat.

12. I went out of my way to vote for Carol Mosley Braun, the first black woman US senator, in 1992.

13. I love chocolate.

14. I have a cat.

15. I lived in a village in Nigeria for two years,

16. I am a brown eyed blonde,

17. My hair is slowly turning gray, but the gray blends in nicely.

18. I love to cook.

19. My cooking specialty is breads.

20. I just bought my third bread machine in ten years. I seem to wear them out.

21. I use King Arthur flour.

22. I like most foods. My mother always said that was because she made me try everything when I was a child.

23. I live with my sister. Before my stroke both of us insisted that we would never live together, it would be a disaster. It hasn


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Hi Lin,


You're list was not boring at all. You've lived an interesting life. We have quite a few things in common, but thing I'm most jealous of is your 1976 Bicentennial experience. I collect bicentennial stuff and I was so geeked up that year that I even made clothing out of 1976 theme cloth.




P.S. Your garage being picked up on Tuedays made me is ours.

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Your list wasn't boring. I now have a new appreciation for you as a person.


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hey lin!!!


i think that talking to a goldfish is PERFECTLY normal!!!!! i think it's neat you had a pet calf. i hope she didn't wind up like my pet pig "petunia". she lived on my great grandparent's farm and i would ALWAYS play with and pet her. ( i was six). one sunday afternoon we had porkchops for lunch and i was "informed" by my redneck cousin that we were eating PETUNIA!!!!!!! i've NEVER recovered!!!!!



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Hi Lin,


I enjoyed reading your 100 list, you have a very interesting life and your stroke hasn't stopped you at all.


Tony sends his best wishes. He's 4 week holiday leave is now over, he went back to work last week.


Take care Lin and give your sister our best regards





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I really enjoyed reading your list, it was way nice, thank you.


Before my stroke I usually drank a quarter cup of coffee during the week, after the stroke on 7/10/04 I haven't had any, I used to smoke cigarettes, I no longer, I have no use for professional sports but some can be fun to play if you play to have fun and don't keep score. My hair is coming in thicker I am being told, before they shaved me in the hospital, I hadn't had a hair cut since 6/69 and that was only a trim to even out my hair which I had stopped cutting in the fall of 1967. Dr. Timothy Leary had an impact on my life, turn on, tune in, drop out played a role, I met him once after a performance in Phoenix when I reside. I grew up in Ohio, lived there for 17 years, hitchhiked to Miami with a friend, hitchhiked home alone, could have flown to Cuba for $10., didn't but should have maybe, who knows, they would have seen me for a person without funds and ignored me, could have gotten a job, cigar roller. I read most everything that Mark Twain wrote, Letter From the Earth, printed long after his death was really good, a collection of unpublished pieces, lost it somewhere. I went through 9th grade in school before giving up, much was crap, I find out way later than most of it was crap especially the social eco stuff.


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