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Hospital Visit. Part #1



Hello Everyone:


Well, I came home from the hospital, on October 27, 2006, after a three-day stay. I only had a heart cath, a Transesophageal Echocardiogram and some type of drug-induced stress test. Last time I was in, for by-pass surgery, was December 26, 1994. SOoooooooooo it's been almost 12 years since I had any heart surgery.


I see the surgeon on Wednesday, November 1 at 5:00pm to discuss the 'plan of attack' regarding my future surgery. Right now, because not ALL tests are in yet, I know for sure it WILL be two bypasses and a valve. The surgeon is not sure if it will be REPAIR or REPLACE the valve, but he said he will know definitely by Wednesday night. Possible future date of surgery is Monday, November 13, 2006.


I want to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns. I will keep you posted as to what will be happening.


Host Denny


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Thanks for the update, Denny. We were all wondering in chat a day or two ago if anyone had heard anything about how you were doing. You will continue to be in everyone's thoughts and prayers.



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:( Thanks for the update, sorry for your sickness as I am 21 years post stroke, and can understand the heartache of being ill



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I think you mean you came home October 27, 2006. Otherwise you didn't make it home yet, November hasn't arrived. We all know what you mean, it's that three days eating that bland hospital food you are not used to that is making you type November.


Happy Thanksgiving to you mr Chef, you will be in my prayers! Anytime the heart is involved, that's major surgery in my mind. Repair or replace, think positive, you'll be just fine, God is in charge of their hands and minds.


We miss your comments and posts.

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Denny, you get well now, there is no-one like you for cappucinos, they may be virtual but they are certainly not virtuous, some of those flavours are wicked! Your Friday night parties are legendary! You are a chat host par excellence!


Seriously mate, Ray and I will be thinking of you as you go through this surgery, recovery and the track back to health.


Sue. :friends:

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Thank you for 'pointing out' the incorrect month. In my defense, I can only say this: I had a stroke, that's my excuse and I'm STICKING with it !!





Thanks for the note of encouragement. It is really nice that people DO appreciate the Friday Night Coffeeshop Chats. As far as the cappuccino flavors, they ARE real flavors of cappuccino. There is a company, Coffee Wholesalers USA, in Texas, that sells them. www.cw-usa.com


when window opens, click on cappuccino then click on Superior on the 'drop-down' window.




Host Denny

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I have had such a busy 2 weeks just passed that I knew nothing till now. In fact I picked up 2 strange me on Thursday morning at a small private airport -yes, it's that bad. (I did have to meet 2 men I had only spoken to on the phone, so I hadn't lost it all completely. LOL)


To get serious, I never knew that you had this problem. Was that what caused your stroke originally?


As Fred indicated, stronger powers will see you through and with the rest, I will pray for a quick recovery. In fact, I'm even going to see how my "energy" is from level 2 - I will send Reiki energy your way.


Hope you make it back to Friday nights in time so we can have the Cranberry/Turkey/Sweet Potato Cappuchino! (no it's not on the list, you'll have to originate it for us.)


Take care and keep us informed of the date when you know.



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hey Denny:


after having so many coffees with you, never knew you had heart problem, man you are real survivor never cribs about your problems at all. feel better and as you know by now lot of people love and care about you, so get fit again and join friday chat one more time. friday won't feel like friday withut you.


lots of luck and my prayers for you.




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Hi Denny, so glad you made a short appearance Friday to let us know you were ok. Will keep you on my prayer list and as Fred says God's in charge of the surgeons hands. and he will have many people asking for great guideance .


oh, and to Phyl their was a company out here making soda in "food" flavors they had a turke/ cranberry one... was NOT a big hit..


I will have to check out the site and find some flavors for the nights I cover your chatsl... but you are the pro...


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Friday nites are football games and since my son's team will be going ahead to playoff I probably wont "see" you til after

I will be praying for you and your family, for your healing and their strength



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