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Someone wrote something very insensitive on this sit (board or blogs). No, I certainly am not going to name the person or give the sex of the person.


It is very uncalled for in a place such as this. Perhaps most people here wouldn't think twice about it but it hit me right away. I don't think the person it was written to even looked at it that way eith. But, I really got to me and I thought about writing to that person and telling him/her what I thought.


I do understand when people like us have a stroke problem or are in the presence of one who does, where this may not seem what it says - so - if you feel the least bit guilty, think twice before you write something that could be hurtful.


And NO, it wasn't said to me. As I told one of the guys in a Home Depot who is always saying funny things and then apo;ogizes (when none is necessary because I know he's kidding) I don't care what he says and all of the people behing and working there burst out laughing and he gave me the thumbs up sign.


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Oooooh! Phyllis now all of us who have posted, blogged or commented on blogs are looking at our replies and thinking:"Is it ME??"


Seriously it does depend on your background what it is okay to say so sometimes we get it wrong. And I can sometimes post on subjects that others might find insensitive or boorish and sometimes something someone else writes makes me feel squeamish or uncomfortable.


Bless us all for our differences but our common link of stroke survivor/caregiver.


Hugs to you from Sue. :friends:

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I agree with sue, I was wondering was it me or what, but I have always seen confusion happening when we are writing comments, since if you are passing funny comment in person, other person realises that it was funny one, but on the computer funny ones always get misunderstood. I hope whoever or whatever is it, you will forgive person and maybe if you are still hurt straighten person thru PM.




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I thought some people make take it that way; I would too. It probably did get people to carefully read everything. LOL! ,I agree in what you said Sue and I'm sure person did not mean it as it came out. That was why I did not write to person directly. Asha, it wasn't a humorous remark taken wrongly. In fact, most people would read over it and not have it affect them. Guess lately I've been so into New Age that it is making me look at things differently.
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We all have a 'hot button' where we can get offended easily by what someone else writes. But what offends one person does not always offend another so there is a large gray area here of interpretation. The important thing---from my point of view as someone who has to monitor the board---is whether or not the person doing the offending did it on purpose. They could just be ignore about the emotions of survivors or caregivers or they lack the necessary writing skills to say exactly what they mean to say. I think an intentional, on purpose pattern of offending other members is easy to see and I really don't believe we have any members right now who fit that description.



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