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I think I figured out one of the reasons I have been so depressed.I have had no improvements (that I could recognize) in the last couple of months.All the waiting and waiting and excersising and practiseseems so useless.YesyerdayI went for my hearing test and what do you know?In the word recognition part,I went from a 38%to 96%.It really changed my attidtude.My big black cloud lifted and stayed gone for the whole day.I even went out with the girls last night eventhough I was exhausted.I caught myself laughing and thinking"Hey,I am laughing again/Beebn a long time."I know I won't keep up with such drastic improvements but it gave me hope that maybe something is mending up thereIt's hard not being able to see what is going on.I even ased the doc if we could do another MRIbut he said "only if they think something is going wwrong not when things are OK.I woke today with tremendous back pain.I think I forgot to take my back pain med lAST night.I have NEVERforgotten to do that.!!Another first.I actually slept OK without it.......Up until early morn.Tried some stretching and stuff butnoting seems to help except those medsI used my massage chair when I finally couldn't take it anymore.not bad for no meds


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Congratulations on the 96%! My husband is over 6 1/2 years out from his stroke and gets tests twice a year for word recognaiton and each time there is improvement. Some times the changes are small but over time all those small changes really add up to something big.



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congratulations on your improvements. I was thinking about you mentioning control other day, and thought of something very wise thought share with u.


In life only control we have is how we are going to react to situation, there are lot of outside forces can make us happy or unhappy, but we make decision on how to react to certain situation in life, by believing in higher power, and leaving all our worries to him, gives us lot of peace of mind.





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Congratulations on your progress! Remember though, every little bit helps - no matter how small. We have to be our own cheerleaders sometimes. Maybe we need a page on tjhis site that resembles a refrigerator - we could post our accomplishments. Glad too you were able to celebrate!

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Congrats Heather!!! sometimes it is hard to "see" the progress.. sometimes it is not physical progress but mental .


I was told by another survivor, dont compare yourself to before the stroke hit you, but compare your self to the few days or weeks after stroke happend..... you will see a lot of progress.. don't forget to pat yourself on the back, and share with us so we can be GREAT CHEERLEADERS.. we love cheering you on and celebrating your progress :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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congrats on your progress. I think that is fantastic Remember you never walked all in one day so take baby steps and it will come.. one step at a time, deenie

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