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What a week!



This is becoming quite a busy week.

In a way I'm wondering whether I ought to wait until the end of it before I post my blog, but then again, I'll probably forget if I do.


I'm actually going to cheat & start the week off last Thursday. I had a Candle Party here at home (don't know if I'm allowed to say the name of the company but they make great candles!! ) To be honest it was more of an excuse to get a load of friends together for nibbles, wine & chatting :blah_blah: . I think we all had a great time. the lady who was running the show finally left at 1am & the last guest left at 2am! & I truly was't pushing them out of the door. I'd had a great time.


Don't think much of interest happened over the weekend itself. At least I can't remember any of it...

Yesterday, of course, was Trick or Treat & we went around a few streets with some friends & their children. In total we formed a merry band of about 8 adults & 12 children. Thereafter we went back to friends' house for Pizza & wine (for the adults NOT the children).


Yesterday also saw me in Snowflake's (real name - Victoria) class as I am a room parent & they were having their Halloween party. Today (Wednesday) was Libby's turn. With 17 4 year olds we made scarecrows - using real straw!!! -decorated cookies, played games & even had a Pumpkin shaped Pinata.


On Saturday Libby turns 4. :happybday: We're having a small family gathering with just a few friends on the day itself. Her "proper" party will be next Saturday (11 November) when Dora The Explorer is coming to visit her & 8 friends to play games & spend time!!


Some friends from Southern New Jersey are coming up this weekend as the husband is actually running in the New York marathon on Sunday. My cousin is flying over from London to run as well, & so his wife, my friend & her 2 girls, me & my 2 are all going in to the city to cheer on the boys. Another friend, from here, is also running, so his family will be joining our merry band as we eat Mexican, drink margueritas :cocktail: & then cheer on our tired athletes at the finish line :cheer: .


Should be a busy weekend all in all, Don't you think?

So Cheers m'dears. More from the world of Snow after the weekend.


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So how was your trip abroad?!!! I missed hearing from ya!


Good luck with the Marathon...what an experience for him!

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hey Sarah:


wow reading your weekend plan and activity is making me titred, I am sure you guys are going to have lot of fun at marathon, our cousin has run in marathon for past few years, last year he wore t-shirt saying my wife survived cancer.




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And why are you not running the marathon?.....well maybe you could start with a fun run and work your way up.A freind of mine powerwalked a marathon at night in Edinburgh for breast cancer...Moon walk. You could do that. I keep thinking I should do a fun run (or walk).

I hope the others do well in the marathon.



How is your sister?


:happybday: to Libby. 4 already.


Cheers m'dears...I love it....havent heard that for a while.


You take care





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