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Three Years



Yesterday was three years from the day that changed our lives. Time flies, but I can't believe that it has gone that fast. I got the call in Tokyo and it took what seemed forever to get home. The weeks in ICU dragged by in slow motion. Advanced care was agonizingly slow. Inpatient therapy blew by so fast that we were out before I knew what to do. The appointments, therapy, meds, etc were hitting us faster than I could keep up. We went through more crap in a few months than I have ever done in years. Two kids in HS, one a senior. One in college at the time. Now all 3 are in college. How is this possible?


I've learned a few few lessons since that day. My priorities have changed dramatically. My job is just that. A job. I need it to pay the bills and keep the insurance. Everything else that goes on is secondary to my family.


I learned that my kids are going to turn out OK. They've stepped up and busted their butts to see that their mom is cared for. They have seen and done stuff that most 15-18 year olds (at the time) can't even imagine. Thank God for that! They'll be good folks.


I learned (even though I took it for granted much of the time) what Sam really means to me. I damn near lost my best friend. I have spent many nights looking at her while she slept, wondering what I'd do if she wasn't there. All the work, all the frustration, but all the small gains, all the hope. We're taking it one day at a time, and she has been an inspiration through it all. She keeps me going with her attitude and sense of humor.


I also learned to keep a positive attitude. Without it we'd have gone nuts a while ago. "This ain't right, but it's all we got." We're going to hang in there and work on this. Don't know how much we can get back, but we won't quit.









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hey sktlwsk:


your blog warmed up my heart, It is so nice to see guy putting down his feelings in black& white. your Sam is one lucky woman, and you have gret kids.




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Your wife is one lucky woman! I agree with Asha...you warmed my heart! How incredibly wonderful to love someone so much!!! May you have great blessings the rest of your life together!



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I'm so glad you were able to make it though all those tough times. I can just imagine how hard it must have been. A positive outlook makes a big difference. Right now, I'm having issues with that. Give your Sam a hug from all of us here.

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Your Sam is a lucky woman and you two must be terrific parents, which is not an easy job these days. I am the survivor and after 50 years, I found out I had married a rock. I think your marriage will last forever, like ours has.



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Hi there sklwsk:


Your family has definitely weathered the storm. I agree, my heart was warmed too reading your blog.

You and your wife, I'm sure, are very proud of your kids. It's amazing what some kids will do - how they will adjust to the change in their lives. My kiddo amazes me every day. We are blessed!

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