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Veterans Day



My feelings goes all out to ALL the veterans, kids, family, wives, spouses and those who gave their lives that we may have a better life. Being a Vietnam veteran myself, and having only one son whom have served twice in Iraq gives me many reasons to be thankful to veterans everywhere in this world where ever you are on this day, November 11, 2006.


My ongoing wish is that the Veterans Administration will one day honor the vets for their services to our country in a way for the affliction we suffered as a result of our duty to our country. Not all will die, be injured or suffer life long handicaps as a result of military services. Like now, some will have several tours of duty in the combat zones before its all over. Then have to fight the VA like hell to get compensation.


I'm sure many of you reading this had family members, friends and others you know of whom have served in the armed services. It's not an easy job defending this country and our freedom.


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I attended a memorial service in our town school gym where my nephew laid a wreath for the town and my friend was the minister who delivered the message. Never having gone to a remembrance day service before I found the service quite touching as all of us think of our loved ones fighting over in countries we only found on the map when they were called to duty. I pray that this war will end soon and the countries can resolve their diferences so once again our loved ones can return to their homes and families. I think we are trying to recognize our veterans more now than before and it is about time.. For now all we can do is hope and pray.

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Nice salute Fred. As I went to work this morning, I was greeted by the American flags on every lightpole on the road crossing the Halifax River (part of the intracoastal system. What a beautiful sight.


Then I got to the corner of Walmart where I had to turn in. On the corner were about 8 - 10 protesters! My blood started to boil and unfortunately I was running late. I really wanted to tell those -------s off. Of course I didn't know where to even start. They had one sign stating the number killed; an impeach Bush sign and other choice goodies. Today especially wasn't the day. I bet in other countries they would be gathered up and hauled away. Yes, I know Freedom of Speech. GRR.....................


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I couldn't agree more sir!

I know, I know I'm out and have been for a while but old habits die hard and hopefully my daughter keeps taking after me with this particular habit of showing respect.


My VFW group sold poppies in frony of Wal-Mart and then we came back and had a great lunch of green beans, red potatoes and steak! YUM! Then we played cards and shot the sh*t like we had all been in the same doesn't eve matter, does it Fred? We have WW2's, Vietnam Vets, I'm their Desert Fox and Storm Vet, and one of the girls who cooks there - her husband is in Iraq right now. Only thing is now that I've quit smoking and on all this med - could only have one beer! :( :beer: :beer:

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