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Just plain tired today



Just one of those days, I guess, where I didn't want to do a thing. No; it wasn't because I ate too much yesterday and needed a nutritional break. I just had a day where my brain was telling me to rest. Ever have one of those days?


I usually can get around in my place with my walker, but today, my balance was off, so I decided to rest in front of the TV and watch football. I must admit I dozed off several times.


The day kind of started early, when the garbage men came by about 5:30am. Their truck always sets off my car alarm, so up I go to reset the alarm and try to get back to sleep. No deal though. So I got up to watch a little morning news on the TV and get a cup of coffee.


After that was football and me on the couch. As mentioned, I just couldn't get any energy, and the balance was off, so I spent most of the day laying down. I still have no umph, but thought I would get up and get online.


Stroke is an amazing thing. Somedays are up, and some are down. Even on the down days though, like today, I am still thankful to be around. Tonight-who knows-maybe the energy will come back, but even if it doesn't, tomorrow is a new day.


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Hi Bob and welcome to the blog community.


I agree, listen to your body when it tells you to rest. Our new personal trainer even said not to workout every day because the muscles need to rest a day in between. I don't know if all trainers feel that way but our does.


I didn't know that something like a garbage truck could set off a car alarm. Thankful, our guy comes in the afternoon because the truck itself would wake me up, it's so loud.



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hey Bob:


welcome to our blog community, it will be fun knowing you from your blogs, from the first sound of your blog, you will be nice guy to know more about, love your attitude you know we should make a rule here, you can call yourself survivor only if you have positive attitude towards life or else you are victim to stroke, and you are survivor.




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Hi Bob



We all get those days, if you don't get enough sleep or something is bugging you, we are normal. So if your tierd, relax and enjoy your easy day.





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