Robyn's Blog

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Didja' miss me???!!!



Maybe...maybe not!!! That's OK...I've been very busy...end of semester grading...Thanksgiving holidays. Last I checked in here, my ex had come into town to see the kids. The following weekend I brought them to Albany to visit HIM, then the Wednesday after that we left for Milwaukee to see my sis and her family for Thanksgiving. It was fun and relaxing although I got a speeding ticket driving up to Milwaukee on Wednesday...sigh...80 in a 65, right outside of Springfield, IL. Driving down rt 43 in Wisconsin, however, I could fly! Did I mention I love driving fast?!!


This past week I've just been getting back into the swing of things. Getting ready for final exams, final projects/papers, and the holidays! WHEW... Where did November go???


Anyway, on an interesting note, I've met someone and we've been on a few dates... She gets where I am at with all the stuff with Jane and gives me the space to do what I need to do for me, yet I REALLY enjoy her company and we chat all the time. She has met the kids and they seem to like her and vice versa so hopefully that will continue work well! One day at a time!!


I got an email from a friend who worked with Jane and also had a personal relationship with Jane as friends. She is feeling the same sort of rejection from Jane. I tried to comfort her without biasing her with my own anger/frustration issues. I did tell her, however, that it wasn't HER, it was about Jane and her issues and to NOT take it personally. I think she appreciates that... Jane is completely and totally selfish, and it wasn't the stroke that caused that...she was before, but I think most people forgave her that foible because of other attributes she had. I think her true colors are now coming out and if she is cutting herself off from close friends, as well as me, this is a truly troubled woman we are dealing with. Jane's loss...truly... I have really come to feel sorry for her. My life is rich and full and joyous...I have great friends, a new love interest in my life and the support of some pretty incredible people. The last thing I want is to be with someone who'd rather cut herself off from life and living...not me or my style! I hope Jane will be happy...I doubt it though...I think she is just surviving emotionally speaking. And that DOES make me sad for her...


Anyway...I see craziness in my future with the end of semester stuff but I'm looking forward to submitting grades and chilling out for a few days!


Love y'all and missed ya!




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Hi Robyn,


We all love it when people come back and update us from time to time. And it helps us all---especially the newbies---to realize that there can be a happy and fulfilling life again, after a life crisi grabbed hold of us.


Merry Christmas





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Thanks I've said before, I'm not going anywhere. This time of year I hardly speak to ANYONE, virtually or not! You guys are my friends and I love being a part of here! It brings me a lot of joy!


Yes, there is a life after a crisis. As I told my friend, you have to want it, be willing to look for it, and be open to whatever opportunities come your way! I think responding to her email last night about her feelings about Jane really helped me out, too. It really IS Jane's crap...


Anyway, back to writing final exams...UGH!!

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I did - I really did!


Welcome back - so is the life of an academic, no? One of the many reasons that I don't want the ivory tower to live in...


Good to "see" you :big_grin:

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AWWW Thanks! nice to be missed!! Bill...I hope you and Bud are doing well. Has the house sold yet? does it feel to be Dr. Sherri?? I love academia...there are some crunch times, but then I have ALL SUMMER FREE!!! YIPPEE and I can work at my leisure! It is very rewarding and I wouldn't want it ANY OTHER WAY! It's just crazy until you get through finals! BLECH! What are you planning on doing with your PHD now???

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Hi Robyn, as I was coming on to read the Blogs, I was thinking we hadn't heard from you in awhile .. and that you must be busy and doing well.


So glad to hear the good news.. and it always good to know there is a break at the end of the busy times.



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Hi Robyn,


You always make me smile - and now it's a smile of joy - and I'm not shaking my head sideways!!!


I'm glad to hear you are doing well in YOUR recovery from this experience - getting better by getting busy works!




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Ann...I say the same thing about you! You ALWAYS make me smile...thanks!!!


Bonnie...thanks for thinking of me!!! I realized I hadn't been here in a while and needed to update everyone and get back into the swing of blogging. I've missed it!


Yeah...I'm good! Life is good...still crazy, but isn't it usually crazy anyway!!!! Kids are enjoying violin and swimming and in the spring will do soccer.


Two more weeks though...then the semester ends! YAHOO!!!!

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I was so glad to see your blog yesterday, I am so glad you are enjoying your life and embracing changes after your breakup with Jane, I always believe there are always reasons for some things to happen, even it's painful things, but something good always comes out, we always don't know the reasons for painful things happening in our lives but trust in God, that he knows what is best for us, and he s perfecting our lives based on his grand plan, I feel if we learn from our painful episodes in life nothing is wasted than. you know I missed sharing my eastern beliefs with you, so here it goes again, do your karma(your duties) and leave result on God.


I wish you great happiness in your new love life and with family.


Enjoy your holidays, don't work too hard, enjoy kids they are priceless.



hope to see you more around



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I missed you Asha...I love sharing eastern philosophy with you! The universe provides us with all we need and doesn't give us more than we can handle. I was just thinking the other day that because I have truly tried to live a life of integrity and honesty, even though I've had some tough times, I kept my integrity through it all and now I am reaping the rewards!!! I'm smiling! :D

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Glad all is well and that you had a good Thanksgiving. I was wondering where you disappeared to. My daughter is doing a countdown until Christmas break. She's very ready for a few weeks off, as for me....I love her with all my heart and soul but I've gotten used to spending my days with the cat and guinea pig and the quietness LOL. I swear, a 14 year old girl is only quiet when she's sleeping LOL :big_grin:

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Yes I sold the house. Closing date is December 8th. I've saved something for you but you cant have it till the 8th. :wub2:




It's in my blog for you!!!!



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