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Bad Days...



I have a friend I grew up with who used to say (probably still does) getting up used to ruin his whole day. Well, my Dad said that, too -- I wonder now who was bouncing off whose humor?? I know the reason for the ruination of Johnny's day: when you get up, you are defying gravity. That's a load of work!


Post stroke, sometimes when I wake up and am still lying in bed, I feel great. I just know this is going to be a good day. I feel I can do all the things I want to accomplish this day. My mind generates a whole big list of things I can do to make this a great day and feel that sense of accomplishment when I am ready to go to bed later that night.


Then, I stand up. Reality sets in. My body has lost its energy. The weird sensations that I can't describe come to the forefront full steam ahead. Don't you just hate when that happens???? :Tantrum:


Some days, I lie in bed and let my imagination run wild on all the things I can accomplish that day. By the time I am finished w/ my imagining, I'm exhausted! Using one's imagination can be exhausting! Well, OK, my laziness is seeping in... :wink:


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I had big smile on my face reading your blog, I love your attitude, I am so glad you decided to join us.BTW at the same token what took you so long.






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I can totally relate to feeling good, looking forward to what I have planned for the day, and whammo! The get up and go is long, long gone.


It seems you never can tell from day to day, huh? You must have a vivid imagination, though. It usually takes me hours of thinking before I get tired. LOL :big_grin:


Liked your blog.



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I can relate to that too.. You feel s energized and like nothing has happened, then you get up and almost land on your nose... reality sets in..


I am 3 1/2 yrs post stroke now.. I have learned (well ok trying) to not make my lists so long and be extremely HAPPY to get a couple things accomplished.. to the finish..


This yr summer was dry and my husband had 12 loads.. yes 12 loads of dirt delivered from an excavation project just after I had dusted ...


so I decided dust was for writing notes in...lol

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