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New Neighbour



Monday a new lady moved in the bed next to me. We're in a mixed (male and female in 1 ward) ward of 7 beds. Turns out the poor lady is confused, at all hours she calls her grandson Charlie who seems to be schoolage. She told the nurses, who find her so sweet, that her kids are 12 and 14 so how 1 had Charlie I don't know! One grey haired man, who must be about 30s or 40s gets called Charlie and gets so embarrassed when she shouts out how lovely he looks! He did play along though to accept her pretend ice cream. I only hope she doesn't know she rambles so, that would be too awful. Did my good deeds for the day, motioning she needed to be given her coffee before cold and also that she was trying to eat ice cream with her fingers. Yesterday it was cream! Please God she doesn't understand. I remember my Nan (grandmother who lived with us till she died when I was 18, ironically of a stroke I think) with early stage dementia had her lucid days and once uttered the heart wrenching "I hope you never get like this" to my sister.

My own week was pretty positive. Monday my speech therapy was poor but otherwise all went well. Turned out I have a slight chest infection for which I have antibiotics and maybe that was the cause. One day I got 2 physio sessions; more work but I was pleased. Physio centres on walking (with help I managed a bed length), transfers (had to push myself and do the transfer sat on a board pushing with my feet myself one time, never moved myself before but oh the achievement this week when I did), standing (gaining balance as I did today and casting my right leg to stretch to stay in a good position) and stretching my right arm. Speech went well again and found I can roll either side on a hard physio treatment bed.

There's so much I could add but yawning noisily (Ross says I need oiling!) so I'll get to bed.


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I am so happy for you in your therapywise, I am sure in future you might have to change your picture where its lady on wheelchair, I am sure you are moving towards walking with cane, and all other great things in life we take for granted, isn't it odd when we see someone so far worse off than us, we thank our stars for still so much positives still left in our life., I hope and pray ur neigbhour also gets better.




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