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Life Is Good Again



Got home on Saturday and have been busy ever since. I love it!! Went up to see the kids at college Sat afternoon. Took them out shopping. Poor starving students! They have finals this week. Good. Keeps them busy. Wait until you get out into the real world, kiddies!!!


On Sunday, Sam & I went Christmas tree hunting. Got one on the first try. We go to a tree farm and cut our own. Good thing the fields dried out. Pushing her around can be alot of work, especially when she can't make up her mind on what tree is best. I was lucky, and she found one early. Had it up and decorated by 7pm.


Today was "sausage day". My grandpa taught me how to make Polish sausage many moons ago, and we have been trying to make it as well as he did. Getting close, but have a way to go. I think he'd be happy though. I love homemade sausage. The whole house smells wonderful when it's going on. It's really not that difficult, and the final result puts any store-bought stuff to shame. Sam & I made about 20 pounds. The neighbors get a few when we make it.




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Home made sausages! When I was young I lived in an area with a lot of European migrants and the smells coming from the kitchens was unbelievable - like being in smell heaven! One of our neighbours made sausages, another made turkey soup, killed the turkey in the barn, plucked it, cooked it! You make me feeel like a kid again.


Glad you are home and you and Sam and family are doing the Christmas season things. You have fun now.



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My grandparents came over on the boat from Poland and the food they made was wonderful. Smell is supposed to be the most powerful sense, and I can still "feel" (and it is a feeling) the aromas of their kitchens. The thing that got me into making sausages again was a trip I had to Sicily a few years ago. It was the Saturday before Easter and I was walking around the town. There was an outdoor marketplace where they were selling everything from fresh vegetables, cheeses, and sausages. The women were mixing and grinding them right there, out in the open, while the people waited for them. It was amazing. It's just not something we see here in the states. I decided right there and then that I would get back into it. It had been a long time since I had done it, but after dusting off a few cobwebs, it came back. I don't know if I'll ever be as good at it as they were, but I have their recipes and I'll give it a heck of a try.

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