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One week to go



One week of work left then I'm on 2 weeks leave. I can't wait. I hate the last working week of the year - I'm tired and cranky!

Our office has settled into our new premises, we are quite smart now!!!

Greg and I also moved home for me to be closer to work, that went quite smoothly as well, we are nicely settled in our new home. It was an exhausting month though - no wonder I'm tired!

I've written the final exam for the bookkeeping course I was on, just waiting for those results.

I'm also waiting for results of a biopsy that I had yesterday.

That sums up my last 2 months!!!

Merry Xmas to all of us and a happy 2007.


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hi vicky:


I was wondering where have you been, I am glad you are getting back in the rhythm of life, but hey there should be still scoop to share with us.

Merry Xmas and happy new year to you 2.




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Hey Vicki, like Asha I have been waiting for your news. You seem to be so busy since you took on the book keeping course in addition to being a worker and a married lady. You must have a pretty hectic life.


What have you planned for the holidays? Vacation? Family time? What? Do tell us your plans. Look forward to the plans of others now we don't do as much travelling etc ourselves.



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