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Glad yesterday is over.



I am usually pretty laid back, happy. Not sure what happened.. think it started Tuesday afternoon... just kind of "crummy" mood. Everything irritated me.... I did keep my mouth shut and tried not to take it out on anyone..I think the dogs knew, because every time I sat down they were there for a snuggle or pet.


I had to go into town and pick up my prescriptions, snow was in the forecast so I got up and went into town with John and thought I would try to do a little in his business. I ended up getting frustrated and crying for a bit... he said I'll take you home... I said no go to the service call.. just let me be.


He came back and we went to the pharmacy and he had to purchae paper for the copy shop, I was ok by then.. not "great" but not ready to burst into tears...


Maybe it is the holidays being over, the news of my cousin, ????????????


I came into chat last night and it was good.. I talked to a few people, I started dinner and since I was in chat, John got up and finished .... maybe thats all I wanted was a little help.


We have around 7 inches of snow and the property looks like winter wonderland. The sun is out shining today. and I am feeling much better........... glad my black cloud has moved on... maybe I needed a little "sun"


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hey Bonnie:


As phyllis says not even size 2 model has all perfect days or good days so yesterday was one of those, now gone with the wind, glad you are feeling better, I am so hapy that once in a while we do get on that pity pod but how quickly we come off now isn't life wonderful again, and you got real sweetheart hubby, I bet finally when you did, you did find soulmate for keep.




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Sorry about the crummy day. They do happen. The wisest thing was to just stay quietly at the business.. There are times when I just want to spend time alone - or with the dog. , Definitely could have been all the hubub from the holidays building up and then the quiet of January. As Fred had written to someone several days ago - January is half over. It wasn't then (and I wondered why he said it) and isn't now. but thank goodness, it is going fast. The quiet is good but the let-down isn't., thoughit it gives us the chance to unwind and set our course again. Perhaps we should declare January 15 as a day to unwind every year, If enough of us do, Hallmark willl soon be printing cards for it. LOL!
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