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Letter To a Politician!



Had a week back home now, feels so strange. Was adjusting well then my follow up to rehab came through, 6 months away in June! Another patient I was in with left and had physio just 2 or 3 weeks later. Incensed it was so uneven I wrote to a local politician. "Sorry to trouble you but I need to bore you with my story. On 14th February 2005 at the age of 38 I had a devastating massive stroke which initially left me quadraplgic but since I regained the use of one side. On 6th June I was transferred from the excellent **** to the **** Unit in ****. There they decided I'd never leave my wheelchair, a verdict that though plainly wrong stayed with me for quite some time. Some weeks at rehab in **** I had just an hour or two of physio all week! I Didn't feel I was pushed to forge ahead. I made it home 23rd December 2005. During 2006 I think I saw community physios 4 times though it may have been 5. Either way it is woefully inadequate. My sympathetic GP got me a stay at The *** Unit in *** which I was very impressed with, all are so dedicated. I had 6 weeks intensive physio starting 27th November. On leaving again I feel abandoned and forced to go the expensive private route for physio, my follow up isn't till June! Most of my time at home I've had weekly treatment and can stand myself from my wheelchair and recently took my first aided steps. Progress is slow but very evident. What on Earth is the use of physio just to be dropped 6 weeks later? To add salt to my wounds another ex patient I stayed with returned a few weeks later for physio, he is already walking with a stick so can't be that he is worse off in that way. I strongly feel that fighting such awful effects of the stroke is eough without needing to fight for therapy. I won't start on speech therapy, the situation is even worse. Please can you do anything so in future everyone gets the treatment they need?" Felt much calmer then. As I told mum, we can keep up the private treatment and the stroke won't win, I am determined. Ok serious moment over!

Now only use the hoist breakfast time. Fantastic news is that I stand myself from my electric wheelchair and anything at similar height onto my rotator. Carers have one arm in case they are needed but Ross just turns me! Definitely it is strengthening my legs. Getting much easier now.

Physio was today, Monday morning. My old therapist went back to Australia, shame as I totally trusted and really liked her. Met my new therapist today. So nice, I like and trust her already. Sitting, arm manipulation, standing. Standing was so much better, easier getting there and straighter when up. Successful trip. Really an evaluation with her seeing what I can do. Our aim for now we agreed is raising myself from lower to standing, not too far off.


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You go, Diane! Great letter. We need to let our politicians know what is going on in the real world.


Glad you like your new therapist.



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also with baby steps you will start walking, and I know you will be able to do it with your attitude and perservance.




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You go girl! :cheer: The letter was terrific and glad to hear you're making progress - as Asha said - baby steps come first but you can do it. I just love how insuance companies put stipulations on how long or what they cover for our stroke recovery. I fight constantly with my insurance company and they win :Tantrum:

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I was listening to the Jeremy Vine show the other day and they talking about the NHS. Someone on his show was saying if the NHS stopped treating ailments like varicose veins ( which is not a life threating condition) they would be enough cash for all stroke patients to get physio.


I know the statements needs a lot of qualification, but I wonder if that is the way the nhs is going to go? Thats why they took dentistry out of the NHS.


Food for thought


Good luck with your continued improvement....with or without the NHS <_<


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