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Hey Therapist's, Thanks



I was thinking about this while combing out my hair; I remembered a time when doing that wasn't so easy.

Personally, I don't think that any therapist gets the kudos he/she should. They're assigned a patient for however long, and I wonder just how many of us have let them know they're appreciated.


For my stay on rehab, I was assigned to three different therapists. Physical, Occupational and Speech. (We patients called them "TERRORISTS" because they were relentless.) If I didn't show up for a schedualed appointment, (For whatever reason.) down to my room they would come.


Thank you! :clap:


Susan :cold:


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Even this far out from his stroke (his was in 2000) my husband always wants to go down to the rehab department to see the therapists if we're in the hospital for some other reason...visiting or testing, etc. The therapists really love it when people come back in and let them know how they are doing. I'll bet they'd love letters to the department, too.


Glad your "terrorists" helped get you to where you are today.





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Definitely Jean, I've even seen some of my therapists in stores in town. When I went to see my ex-roommate, after my out-patient and went to the gym, I'd get huge hugs. It certainly is a feather in their cap when they see the fruits of their labor.
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