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Just Keep On Keeping On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kj mcmeekin


I really hope that things soon start to get back to normal. But what is normal????????


Right now I know that I am stretching myself beyond the limit. I'm trying to be available to everyone but have forgotten how to take care of myself. Each day brings nothing but frustration and anxiety.


Chris seems to be going down hill. We have a doctor's appt. at the end of the month. I really need to have a long talk with his doctor. Right now he can't seem to use his utensils when eating, alot of his food ends up on his lap. He is still sufferring with terrible headaches. His family doctor feels that they are ocipital neuralgia. I checked it out on the web and all symptoms check out. In December we went to a new neurologist - he claims that the headaches are coming from tight neck muscles and wants to give him 5 injections of lidocaine (at once) in his neck. Chris and I are really against having this done. These headaches act very much like migraine. He gets nauseated, has changes in his vision and claims that Percocet, sleep and a heating pad on his head are the only things that help get rid of the headache. When he gets one - it can last up to 3 days. I have noticed that after the headache goes away that is when he seems to have trouble doing what he normally could do. It makes me wonder if he is having mini-strokes.


Today was a TERRIBLE day. Chris started with a virus. I feel like I have been living at the washer all day.


Tommorrow is the first time my mother and I will be going to my father's grave since his passing. It is his birthday. I am really afraid to go - I don't know how I will react and what reaction my mother will have. I know within time this will all get better but right now it's a rough road.


Before each day would just flow in another - days where becoming easier - but for the past 2 months it feels again just like it did when I first brought Chris home from the nursing home.


I hope soon we find the PEACE we once had.


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Kim, I felt like this last year and then Ray's doctor changed some of his medications, Ray had some more physiotherapy and he seemed to come good again.


I'd certainly check with Chris's doctor about the headaches, particularly if he seems to be having adverse changes in his behaviour and general well-being, Ray is just starting vitamin b12 shots and iron as he is anemic and deficient according to the hospital blood work.


I know how it feels when the "virus" strikes and there is additional washing to cope with as well. I'll be thinking of you both and praying things get better quickly.



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Hi Kim, Wow you sure have had a lot on your plate lately. I am sending you my good thoughts and prayers for a better week.


Jean has written some great things about finding your "new normal" after a stroke. It really helped me to focus on defining what I would accept as our "normal" after Denny's stroke a year ago. I think it is a continuing process, but know that things can get better.


Sue is right on when she suggests getting Chris back to the neurologist for the headaches. Has he been checked for a PFO (patent foramen ovale)? There is some evidence to suggest that it contributes to migraine headaches. Do a search on this site for more information since several here have posted about the relationship between the PFO, STROKE and headaches.


Hang in there and know that we are all thinking about you!


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Hey Kim,


I know what you are going through and I can completely empathize with you. Its easy to write words but I hope the meaning of them comes out to you.


I took care of my parents who both had dementia. It was a long journey. There were periods when everything was wonderful. Then there were times when everything went wrong and getting anything done was like moving through water.


Right now, it seems you see the mountain but not the trees. It is hard and I can empathize with what you are going through. I hope I help you when I tell you to do what you can. Take it slow. Whatever you accomplish is good enough. The rest will come. Do what you can today and perhaps tomorrow you will have more energy and you will be able to do a little more. Go easy on yourself. You need to take care of yourself so you can be there for Chris. You are doing all that you can and you are doing a good job.


I agree you should take Chris to be examined by the neurologist. Remember, you know Chris best. You are his best advocate. And Chris ain't too shabby himself. He certainly knows how he feels. Do what is feels right in your gut.


You are in my thoughts. Take Care. LK

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