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We love to do our exercises!



Today, my daughter-in-law and I went to the new gym. My goal is to walk to the gym (yes, w/my walker), be able to exercise and walk home again. I have to work up to that, though. I am not ready for it. So, we drove to the gym today. My daughter-in-law measured the mileage to the gym and it came to (.5) mile, one way.


I went without my walker. I figured I would be walking short distances, after all, how far away could each machine be from one another? A cold front has just arrived in our neck of the woods accompanied by blustery winds. I never knew it was so hard to walk against the wind! I made it inside and started on the elliptical machine. I have been using the treadmill at home everyday and I am able to walk (.5) mile under (15 minutes). I started on the elliptical and I was dead after 3 minutes!


I have come to the conclusion that we, stroke survivors, all are forever working uphill. In my mind, this is how it goes, please excuse me, I will use my experience.


I woke up fully paralyzed. The drs came in and asked me to move my toe. I couldn't speak and so gave them a look. They insisted even if I had the intent and nothing happened, it was a good thing. I moved my toe. They were ecstatic. Everyday, they came in and asked me to move my toe. It took no time for me to tire of this parlour trick. One day, I winked my eyes alternatively really fast but they were unimpressed.


Well, I conquered moving my toe. I was on top of the mountain.


Shortly, they had me doing exercises w/ my arms, hands and legs. In the beginning, the therapists did all the work. I was at the bottom os the mountain. Eventually, I did all the work. I was on top of the mountain.


Next, they took me to physical therapy in their gym. They started me with the tilt table. I survived (15) seconds. I was at the bottom of the mountain. About a month or so later, they sent me home. I was at the top of the mountain.


Each new step I attempted, I was at the bottom of the mountain. Eventually, I would master the new task and be on top the mountain, only to start a new task and start all over again at the bottom of the mountain.


That's what happened to me today. I was proud of the fact I was getting my time down on the treadmill and at the same time increasing the distance I was able to walk. Today, I had my comeuppence. I did not last on the elliptical and I find myself at the bottom of the mountain again.


I did try other machines and had some successes with them. The hip abduction machine, I was able to work 40 pounds. I worked on the stationary bike and was able to ride (.5) mile in three minutes. That was a blast. I laughed and people looked at me.


That was the other thing. I said I went without my walker. As I walked around the gym, people stared at me funny. Truly, it was not my imagination. I thought I was walking well but then they didn't see me when I walked or rather lurched like a drunken sailor before.


A couple of weeks ago, I asked my sister-in-law how I looked walking and she said it looked like I was just being careful. Later, I asked my son how my walking looked and he said I was doing fine. Just goes to show you, they both have rose colored glasses. I love them to death...my sister-in-law and my son...not so the rose colored glasses.


So, I find myself at the bottom of the mountain, again. I don't know why I do it. As I told the drs at the hospital, I don't know why I try so hard, I really like being waited on hand and foot! I told you I was lazy... :rolleyes:


I have to say, today is the first day I feel my head is connected to my body. I don't have perception problems, buzzing problems, dizzy problems. Even the stiffness in the left side of my neck is better. Still have the electrical current going through my body...would that be my magnetic personality, you think??? :yukyukyuk: The past 5 days or so I felt pretty bad and couldn't do much (no, not laziness this time :nuhuh: ). I am thinking my good days are starting to outnumber my bad days. :cheer: Take Care. LK


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hey juicylisa:


I loved your blog could not have comeat better time that today, I was also talking about my downhill ride and uphill ride, though I really feel being in hospital dependent on all strangers were my real downhill, nothing could go down than that, anything beyond that for me is uphill ride only.




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I really miss not being able to go to the gym, as my gym is at the top of a long fight of stairs, but i will one day climb those stairs again, do a few miles on the bike, beat my old times and distances on the Rower and cross trainer then get stuck into the weights. it may be only a dream at the moment but i will do it as i don't want to go through the next 20-30 years in a wheelchair.

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