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Neuropsychological Tests Administered



If this helps anyone that are looking into nueropsych testings, this is the test that was done on me. If they want to look into the different test that I went into, this is it (Im sure there are more and different tests also). Any questions they can PM me anytime. This took me 11 hours over 4 days (due to my resceptive language) and another day of 2 hours for the last test (Personality Assessment Inventory).



Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (III)

Monroe Sherman Paragraph Comprehension Test

Logical Memory Test

Family Pictures Test

Spatial Span Test

Wide Range Achievement Test (III)

Rey Osterreith Complex Figure Test

Iverson Franzen Memory Test

Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test

Test of Memory Malingering

Boston Naming Test

Sentence Memory Test

Word Fluency Test

Action Fluency Test

Aphasia Screening Test

Speech Sounds Perception Test

Seashore Rhythm Test

Grip Strength Test

Finger Tapping Test

Grooved Pegboard Test

Trail Making Tests

Stereognosis Testing

Sensory-Perceptual Examination

Brief Symptom Survery

Beck Depression Inventory

Beck Anxiety Inventory

Personality Assessment Inventory


I hope I don't have to do that tests again but I was happy that I did it at least once.





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Guest lwisman




Did they say why they did this testing? It seems like overkill to me...

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Yes, it was long but the problem was that I had a headon car accident as well. That caused me to stroke. I hit my head really hard in the air bag. They say the results are from a stroke and a head injury. I get the 2 in one charge.


There was paid by insurance by a car accident.

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I recognize some of these tests as Don has taken them as well. It doesn't sound like this was true in Bill's case but for Don they often do these kinds of tests to develop and track the progress of therapies.


Bill, is the insurance company still trying to get out of paying you benefits?



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They are trying but I have lawyers do deal with it for me. I couldn't do that for me alone. I was somebosed to be done at 6 months and 2 years. The insurance waited it for the last minute. This test and the doctors that month, the insurance keep asking with they can stop the speech and go back to work. This test and the one last month say noway. It's to hard for me as the language is so hard.


This test for them were to see to stop me, to me this was the way to help me.


I am lossing my medical benefits soon so my lawyers are going after them too. They look at the money side but this is my life and the rest of my life. I will lose my speech/aphasia group/attendant care etc...I will have to pay that myself soon (about by March). I will blog that later as I finished that castacrphic examination I did last month.

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