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Thank You

Betty Jean


I wanted to say thank you to all of you who have commented on my blogs so far. This last one was difficult to comment on and a couple of you did anyway and I appreciate that very much. That whole story is very bizarre and I'm quite sure that what happened to me would never be allowed to happen in this day and age but that's not a story for here. My whole point in writing that was because it just came to me all of a sudden that I had been where my husband is now and maybe I could use my experiences to help him. It was a bit of a shock because I had more or less forgotten about all that or at least pushed it to the back of my mind. Now I am reliving it just to see what I can use to help Jim. Anyway, thanks again for your comments. It means a lot to me.


Betty Jean


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after reading your last blog, my theory has reinforced about couples, God


theory 1. matches are made in heaven

Theory 2. All experiences in our life is preparing us for something, so there is reason behind eery ordeal, and reason is always good



I am so glad you shared your experience with us, now we know you tad bit better.




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Betty Jean,


Tons more people read blogs than those who leave comments so never doubt that people care and wish they had the right words to say.


Blogging is truly great therapy.



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You have been on both sides of the fence. Jim is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him. I feel caregivers are truly the most innovative people for what they need to go through. Everyday brings new ideas and everyday, brings the necessity to find more strength.


Some days, though, are Sunbeams. May you and Jim experience more Sunbeams this year. Take Care. LK

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Jean, you are so right! I read lots of the blogs and I even have things I would like to say but I'm a little bit shy so I just read and go on. One of these days I will get over the shyness and hopefully will start supporting others the way you all support me.


Betty Jean

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