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Blessed Indeed



Here I am again, trying to put into words all the weird stuff that goes through my mind just to see if it makes sense.

I am a very lucky person. I know that most of the time. I have been married almost 29 years to my high school sweetheart. I have four smart, healthy kids who love me in spite of my weaknesses. I have a great big old drafty Victorian house that I wouldn't trade for anything practical. My 'business' involves shopping for antiques with my sister (and best bud) and then selling them on Ebay for a profit. I even have a devoted pup who likes nothing more than to curl up on my lap to watch TV with me. (He's a pillow hog though :big_grin: ).

My stroke was frightening, but even in that I was lucky. There was no question of what was going on. I woke up paralyzed on my left side. I didn't have to wonder should I go to the hospital? Is this significant? it was obvious. My poor kids had to call the ambulance. I was lying on the floor in the upstairs hall.

While I was in the hospital, love and concern poured in from every direction. My siblings, in-laws, friends and relatives showered me with support. My daughter's future mother-in-law even showed up and said a prayer for me!

I started out with total left side paralysis. I couldn't even feel my left side. I could have stuck a fork in my left thigh or arm and never would have felt it. But it started coming back within 48 hours. In four days I left the hospital waving my weak left hand. Two weeks of inpatient therapy and I walked out with a cane.

I need to record this for posterity, so that next week when I'm weeping on my little pity-pot I can review how my life really is.

I have been blessed indeed.




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you are funny, amazing woman, I bet recovery wasn't as simple as you have written, but hey I like your attitude of looking and counting your blessings, they do come handy when sitting on pity pot





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I enjoy reading your blogs, Carol. You've got a spunky personality I think. Plus we've got things in common. My husband and I used have booths in antique malls, did outdoors shows in the summers and did e-bay selling antiques. We also were passionate house shoppers and spent a long time looking for a Victorian house we never did find. And we have a spoiled dog.


Hope your good days out weigh your pity party days. Or at least you are headed in that direction.





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