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January 30



Just now getting back to the blog. My health has not been very good over the past two weeks so I havent been up to posting a weekly comment. Keith is doing ok. I believe we may have turned the corner on his depression. We have not seen noticeable change recently. We continue range of motion and he does move about the house pretty much as usual-which isnt a great deal. He had a fall last week while trying to exercise his leg. Fortunately he was not seriously injured but banged up a bit. Keith is now using a Cpap device to alleviate sleep apnea. it does seem to be helping as he sleeps much better. Otherwise, things are about the same. Anyway, I hope to stay more current in the future. Thanks to all for your well wishes.

God Bless


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Hi Ted,


We haven't heard from you for a bit. Are you feeling better? How is Keith doing--any more movement in the thumb? Any more words?


Keep us up to date! It's hugely motivating to hear about the different therapies and treatments that are available.



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Hello. Yes, I have been a bit under the weather but appear to be on the mend. Doc says it is exhaustion and to take it easy. easier said than done. Keith is doing ok but we havent noticed any further change. He has had some fluid retention problems in his left leg which has required Lasix. His mood has been somewhat improved but I believe that is attributed to the anti-depressants. keith has had a good deal of involuntary movement in his right foot but we cant seem to coax any voluntary movement. The thumb movement appears to have been temporary. I continue range of motion every evening religiously since we cannot allow that right arm, hand and fingers to seize up. I wish there were something more positive to report. In the mean time we will keep with our routine and hope that more positive things will come.

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Hi Ted,


Glad to get your update. You'd better listen to that doctor and find a way to take it easier. Ya, like a person who is both a full time caregiver and full time employee can do that. Have you exhausted all the resources in your community to find some respite for yourself? Here's a link to a message board topic about this subject. Hope some of the posters have an idea or two you might be able to check out.





We're always here if you need to talk about the stresses of caregiving.



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