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Tony the tiger



I woke up this morning feeling really good. I had to go in to town, so I jumped in the shower and as i was getting ready, I realized I feel GREEEEAAAT ****** Tony the Tiger Grreat! :big_grin:


As i was driving to work I was thinking about this and the reasons:


#1 John just had his 2 yr check up from the melanoma surgery and he can now go from 3 month check-ups to 6 months..


#2 John hired a Bookkeeper.... a REAL one. Not just someone to enter data, but someone who does BOOKKEEPING .

Our accountant retired and he and his wife went to Israel for 2 yrs of missionary work.

I NO longer had Bill to fix up what I entered wrong or someone who "understood" my entries. Also Tax time is getting close and other kind of tax junk that I have NO CLUE about.


So after snapping at John numerous times the last couple months :BashHead: and several melt downs :Help: (including tears) :crying: and threating to throw the computer out the window I think he decided it was time to find a mentally stable person that knows bookkeeping. (Did I tell you I HATE :Rage: bookkeeping) :notworking:


J. started not quite 2 weeks ago... I explained my system.. (such as it is) theses are folders of things I don't know how to enter, or what to do with.


It only took her 35 hours to straighten things out and get everything reconciled :big_grin: So I guess I did not do quite as badly as I thought.. :big_grin:


She will be entering "stuff" the correct way this year. And we will not have to hunt through folders of "un-entered papers".


I feel like ten tons have been lifted off my shoulders.


So today I feel like "Tony the Tiger" GRRREAAT! And if anyone should ever DARE try to put me in a bad mood :badmood: they will be in Deep Trouble :makmiday:



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:D You go girl! After spending all afternoon working on corporate tax forms etc, I am SOOOOOO jealous.


Good to see you in such a good mood. It is almost like you are about to POP out of the screen.

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That's so great, I am happy for you and scared for myself that if I say something weird might get in trouble with the hugable tiger




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