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A Good Day!

Betty Jean


Well, today I am celebrating! Jim can move his left arm a little bit on demand! It's just a little bit but it's a start and I'm so excited about it! The part that bugs me is that he says that he has been able to do it for a little bit now and hasn't told me. He is upset because he thought that when they operated and opened up his left carotid artery it was going to be an instant fix and all of a sudden everything was going to work just like it did before. Well, that didn't happen so now even this progress which is huge to me is just not enough to Jim. I will just have to keep encouraging him and telling him how proud I am of him I guess and hope that I get through to him. In the meantime, I am listening to Josh Groban and relaxing and being grateful for his progress and for this day. I just wanted to share my news with all of you. Good night my friends and sleep well.


Betty Jean


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hey Betty Jean:


congratulations on Jim's new improvements, tell him it's huge, Sometime we survivor get into habit of so what but words of encouragements do help us and make us feel good about our recovry.




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Betty Jean,


I'll bet he just wanted to make sure the movement was for real, and not a a chance thing that wouldn't last before he told you. In either case, I know how these little changes can make your whole day brighter with hope.



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Yes it is a BIG DEAL. So happy for you BOTH. I know sometimes I would practice something... before telling my family.. look what I can do... Have you read " A Leetter from Your Brain" you may want to print it out or read it to Jim. It is in Classic Postings on the Main Message Board.


I know it can be "frustraiting & scary" to a survivor to not be able to do the things that should come "automatically" we have to understand that our brains have been injured and it takes a lot of hard work, concentration and practice to re-learn. That we do not need to be embarrassed ...

That our families are not looking at the deficits but are happy and excited for us when we learn something new.

Keep up the Good work..

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Betty Jean

I'm so happy for both of you. No matter how small the progress, it's still progress. It all takes time - not "our" timetable but His.

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Thanks everybody for celebrating Jim'sprogress with me! I felt sort of lke we were all having a perty and it really felt good. Thanks again Everyone!!!

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That is great news. Denny is working hard on getting movement in his arm too. Seems like they have a lot in common. Hopefully he will come out to the next AZ get together.

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