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Something to Think About



The men of different countries have been going to war since the beginning of time and that's not likely to change any time soon. In the United States we used the draft method for many years. Now it's a volunteer process for men and women in the armed forces.


Here at Ft Hood, Texas I see many of our troops depart weekly for duty in Iraq. Standing there watching the big jumbo jet loaded with young men and women, brings tears to my eyes, knowing many of them will not return alive.


Then to witness the joyful return of many a year later and trying to comfort the many fathers, husbands, mothers, wives and children is overwhelming. When I see their faces as they stand there welcoming back other soldiers, knowing they have already funeralized their loved ones is really a hard pill to swallow for me.


It's something to think about. Today while at the VA hospital for my appointment, I had conversations with a few of the wounded soldiers who lost limbs and are now 100% disable. What I'm thinking is...All of us as stroke survivors can be thankful we still have our limbs even though paralyzed and unable to speak in some cases.


There are the older generation of soldiers like myself who survived the war but lost the health battle with a stroke. These young folks will not experience life as a whole person as we did before our strokes. Some can't even bear or father children.


When all is said and done, life is what it is; More lives being created every day, generation after generation. Look at the lives being loss in house fires of those trying to keep from freezing to death in these unusual low temperatures and the many weather related traffic accidents around the country.


I hope we find a way to bring the troops home and the world can live in peace for years to come. The 10pm news just reported two more lives lost in Iraq Monday. Those two departed from here 3 months ago. Well, this is more of a vent than anything else. I get so emotional when I go to the VA.


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Your writings are so moving and so so true. People tend to be so wrapped up in their own daily lives that they don't often take the time to really "think" about how lucky we are. Not just as survivors but as citizens of a democracy. Our young men and women are fighting for us everyday of the year. It would be wonderful to live in a world full of peace and harmony; wonder if we'll ever see it? Will war or global warming get us?

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We go to a VA clinic and hospital also .. and then the daily news of lives lost. John & I were talking last week.. So many on 2nd and 3 rd tour of duty back over to Iraq. I siad that is inhumane.. they servred a yr over there and got home alive... and then to send them over a second or 3 rd time..... it is like 'Russian Roulette" makes me so sad....

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Boy, Donna took the words right out of my mouth. Well, not really but I wish I had thought of them first. Fred, thanks for reminding us all of what is going on at Fort Hood.



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