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Need to give myself a good shake



Well I have just realised I havent told you all about the party. It went very well. I think and hope D enjoyed it. However the tidying up afterwards was really difficult.It took so long. We should have had more help. The group we hired the hall from accussed us of not leaving the place clean and tidy and there was some damage. To cut a long story short they kept our


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Mary, happy or sad it is all a part of your life so we are interested in it. I don't think we ever get to the stage of acceptance where there is not a lingering regret or two, just the pity parties get less frequent or are sooner over. There will always be another little goal to aspire to, but remember that not making it doesn't make you less of a person.


Good to hear you have been swimming and meeting up with others. But comparing them to yourself post-stroke probably isn't a good comparison so try not to go there, compare yourself to what you were and how far you have come.


Always good to read another blog from your small island...lol.



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I was so happy to see your blog, I am glad your party went well, kids r darlings, can't shoot them, and can't live without them, but as usual you are on right theme, it's phase they will grow out of it, As Sue rightfully pointed out about comparison, we all have to look how far we have come, and stop comparing to others. I know you know this, but bear with me it's slow day here for me at work today.


Happy Valentine's day




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