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Missed You All



We haven't been on as we had to go away to Sydney, I think I mentioned that we went to see Eric Clapton as Baz got tickets for his 60th Birthday. I was hesitant about going as it was the first big thing we had gone to see since Baz had the stroke but I didn't need to worry , we had great seats & Baz sat with a big smile on his face the whole time we were there, He went to the loo before we went in & thank goodness didn't need to go again.

The girls showed us a quick way of getting out when it was all over which didn't involve stairs etc.

I think I have told you before that Baz won tickets for us to go see Eric in New York just after we met in 1998 & it was great but I think he was better this time, just goes to show we all get better with age !!

Since we have been back it has been one thing after the other, but I made a promise to myself that I would be more involved this year with Strokenet as it really has been a lifesaver to me & many, many others of course & I really enjoy browsing through all the postings & advice etc.

Baz is doing really well & has started getting his own clothes ready for the day which he has never done before, I think he is more accepting now & ready to get on with life, he hasn't walked with his stick for about 5 months now which is great, I bought him a folding stick but he couldn't manage it & decided to do away with them all.

I haven't caught up with all the blogs yet, so will do so now.

Great to be back on!! :cheer: Anne.





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Hi Anne,


Glad all went well at the concert! Nice score, winning those ticket!


Looking forward to seeing you more around here.



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Love Eric Clapton. Wish I could have been there.


And nice to know you will be around the"Net" more. This is a good place. Lifesaver to me too.


Looking forward to seeing you around.



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I am so glad you are decideing to spend more time with us at trokenet, this site has been real lifesaver for me, I just loved the companyso I stick around more here, I am happy that baz is progressing well, and you guys are enjoying real life one more time, and I feel personally feel marriage does get better with age.




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