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Been a while



It's been a couple of weeks since I have blogged. It has been a very busy couple of weeks.


First, I was asked to become a chat host here on StrokeNet, which I have accepted. I host chat now on Wednesday nights (USA time) and am looking forward to the opportunity. Bonnie has been very helpful in getting me acclimated to the process, and though still a bit rusty at this, I am sure all the particulars will come in time. Also, thanks to all the others who got this up and running so quickly; Steve, Pat and Brice. If I missed others I'm sorry. I may not know everybody involved. For those who read this, I hope you will drop in on Wednesdays to chat and get to know one another.


I am still working hard on getting this Internet Radio Station up and running. I put in as much time as I can, barring my tiredness or bad days that occur as a part of stroke rehab. My web pages are complete, but just as I think I'm ready to get online, I find another wrinkle or two that need attention. I am now going back through all my music again to make sure it all fits together correctly, music fades and such. I am also trying to automate the process as much as possible, which is requiring me to learn a new coding language. I am also looking into news sources. This is tricky, as I need to download it, and then program it to automatically play at the top of the hour. This has been a fun project, but a tiring one. I'm one of those people who work hard at getting things up and running well to start, so I don't want to start without having a quality product. I know there is no such thing as perfection. My motto is excellence, not perfection. I sometimes have to remind myself of that. So, I'll continue tweaking until I feel comfortable with it.


Health has been an issue lately. The last few days has turned around a bit, but I have been struggling with sleep and the lack of it. CPS has kicked in big time on a few days and has been a bummer. Not much I can do about it, but grin and bear it. So I try to do my best to persevere. My little vent for this blog is over now.


I have to eat something. A little pasta with my homemade tomato sauce and some garlic bread sounds tasty. Heading out now to the kitchen so I can get back here to host chat in an hour.


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hey Bob:


It was so much fun chatting with you, though I did not recognize your new id, and your new adventuresounds like fun though lot of hard work, though every new startup is lot of work, when I worked in small startup when we were launching our product first time there were so many glitches in the begining, but important thing is perserve at it, and it will turn out to be success, and do give us your address, such that we can listen in too.


Good luck



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Glad you found some time to Blog, Thanks so Much for accepting the position of chat host. You are doing a great job and it gets easier as you get to know people and it's always great meeting new members who drop in.


Hope the CPS settles down and you get some sleep and good rest.



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Guest lwisman




The Internet Radio station project sounds interesting.


Pushing your brain through the radio station and through becoming a Chat Host, where it is forced to deal with the randomness of people's comments, are both great therapy.


Congrats on trying new things!

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I can feel the challenges you face as you put your new venture together. To me, it is quite exciting. When I was working, there was nothing I'd rather do than coordinating a conference. I was only as good as my last conference. Since I coordinated all aspects of the conference, except the substantive material, there were so many details to make sure things went the way they were suppose to. Coordinating a conference was like taking all these many puzzle pieces and putting them all together to make them fit properly. I loved it.


I feel that is what you are doing, bringing together all the puzzle pieces to make sure they fit properly. What a wonderful way to bide your time. Good luck in your endeavors. Take Care. LK

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