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I Did Something I Shouldn't Have





Today, Saturday February 17 was a good day for me. Well, at least I think so. :Clap-Hands:


A chef friend of mine asked me to shovel her sidewalk and steps. In fact when she came out of the door, she actually had to step up.


I shoveled and chopped ice and snow for almost 3 hours, took only a Tea Break and a bathroom 'pit stop' ( dang tea ). I got home and I told my wife that I actually felt pretty good.


YES, I know I shouldn't be shoveling and chopping snow, but hey, she's paying me $30.00. That will buy me 3 prescriptions at the drugstore.


And yes, I do expect people on here, to 'flog me' with a wet noodle.


Hopefully, I'm 'out of the dark, dreary, cobweb filled, rat-infested and damp dungeon, or at least for 1 or 2 days, the way people have been writting blogs. I check the blogs and it seems like every day, the person who was on the top of Page 1 IS NOW on Page 2.



Denny :coffee: ( enjoying a nice cup of Hot Chocolate ) Everyone drank ALL my White Chocolate Caramel cappuccino last night during the Coffee Shop Chat :wink:


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hey Denny:


are you crazy, even healthy people get heartattack in shoveling snow, and here you are 2 times bypass surgery survivor and stroke survivor attempting this, you are crazy , and I am sure God was watching over you, so you came out unscathed. I am sure your wife values your life more than 3 prescriptions




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I won't flog you because you obviously lived through the snow shoveling project. Just promise that you pace yourself when you do stuff like this!!!


The blog community is so busy now, being on page two is nothing to get our panties (or in your case shorts) in a bunch over.


Jean :D




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DENNY.......... (wet noodle... bend over...)


If she is a friend why the he__ did she ask YOU to shovel. Didn't she know you had heart surgery... where is her brain.????


Aren't there some young boys around to shovel? Ok, whew you are ok... but for goodness sake... take it easy on the snow and ice.



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Since you've been flogged a few times with a wet noodle or 2, I'll pass on that. Thank goodness you had no side effects from taking on such a task.Yeah, it's nice to earn a few bucks, but your health is much more important. Instead of a flogging, here's your punishment: hold onto the back of a sturdy chair while facng the back of the chair....next, lean over a bit. Next, bend a leg at the knee and kick yourself hard in your A-- with the heel of your foot. And the next time you get a hairbrain idea like shoveling, remember the self-inflicted A--whooping you got. :big_grin:

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Okay.. we know you have been walking a couple miles a day and doing cardio rehab. You have common sense and I'm sure you took it easy and used common sense.


It is a good feeling of accomplishment when you do something good for someone else and something you haven't been able to do in awhile.


We just get concerned about our on line family here. I don't know if you were wired back together after the surgery.. they usually crack the sternum and wire it back together.. you want to becareful.... of not re breaking the sternum..

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Dear Chef Denny--

Should that wet noodle be al dente???? :giggle:


Sorry I missed your Chat Room Host. The White Chocolate Caramel Cappacino sounds mouth-watering, drooling good! :beer: (Think Hot Chocolate, not beer) Take Care. LK

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:bop: Mama here! I've got you by 20. I know your intelligent side wasn't injured BUT! no wet noodle just plain scolding! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND???????? Would you like to try again and this time spend 36 hours on the operating table? What were you thinking? Yes, it was nice to help a fellow survivor but there are easier ways to push yourself to the edge! So everything that you were told, I double and triple. And as my southerner friends might say "No more, y'all hear?"


Seriously and selfishly, who will give us a warm cup of some exotic cappuchino if you get sick again? Several weeks were bad enough.



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Denny I know how you feel it makes you feel independent again,but it could make you very dependent next time. As for the next time I hope there is no more people that will take advantage of your kindness,and realize that this is not for you.. Let them hire some one else. I am just sending you a : :bop: and hope you do not do something that silly again.. :hug: Deenie

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